

Nov 9, 2010
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Hi there, I am new to this forum but am hoping that if I note down some things people will give me their thoughts/ opinion. I did post a few days ago in TTC but then realised this may be the better place to post!

I am trying not to get my hopes up but hey.... you never know! :smile:

So, I had a MC in September and then first day of my period on 20 October. My boyfriend and I tried again around days 12/ 13 of my cycle. I am now on day 26 but basically I have had a lower back ache (a dull ache) and also an ache/ cramp in my womb area for the past week or so(roughly). Also, in the past week I have been smelling sick. In my nose. If that makes any sense.... but you know when you are sick out of your nose (sorry to be gross!) but it is that smell. AND, on a few occassions since I have had brain aching headaches which have been really bad.

Plus in addition to the bad wind (!), earlier today I felt quite nauseus and I am so, so tired. Over the past 4 days or so I have become really tired and even after 8/ 9 hours sleep feel exhausted.

I would really appreciate what people think as I am obviously worried and excited and nervous all rolled into one.

Good news would be nice but as I said, I don't want to get my hopes up.

Thank you!
I think it sounds good, but as you probably know - AF signs can so often be mistaken for pregnancy signs, which is a real pain in the bum!

Anyways, I would do a test and find out, are you late for AF? x
I am not late for AF. Am due this week (within the next 2/3 days) so it is too early to test and I am trying to hold out as long as possible. Obviously no AF would be a strong sign!!
Not necessarily. Some people have a late AF but no positive test, only for AF to eventually turn up!

I guess all you can do is wait it out - signs look good though. :)


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