How was your weekend?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I've had a fab and very productive weekend.

Yesterday I had organised my friends surprise baby shower. It was great, she was really shocked, we played silly games and had yummy food and wine and stuff, she was really chuffed :D
Today we got up and went to a fun day at the park, I was expecting a normal bog standard fun day with a bouncy castle and face painting and that's it. Instead it had a fire engine, classic cars, bungee trampoline things, rides, dog agility and loads of cool stuff.

I've posted some pics of it here

When we got home I was knackered but OH had just finished the laminate flooring in Mason (and soon to be Brody's) room, so I was well excited and set about putting some of the ikea furniture together, then started organising the storage and filling the boxes with all our arts and crafts stuff... we have A LOT and it's now all neatly organised 8) . Then I cooked a roast and now I'm chilling.
I love it when a plan comes together :lol:

What have you lot been up to?
Pretty crappy here. We've got a cold so yesterday we were just shut in.
Today OH had a job so was up at 6.30. I'd had an awful night so wasn't impressed when he woke me. Did tons of washing up. Wasn't very well so went to bed at 2, got up at 5. OH got home at 7, had tea then OH has buggered off out. So hard night in store for me while he crawls back in the early hours!
Not nice really. Feel quite down today.
Urchin, alright hannibal! :wink: :lol:

I've had a good weekend, got loads done.
OH went out yesterday lunch with my mums husband to the pub. He got very drunk! :lol: Not like him at all but he had a good time so thats all that matters. I stayed at my mums and cooked a lovely beef casserole with cheesy dumplings. A bit naughty but very tasty!

I did 12k on my strider over Sat and Sun. Mowed and weeded front and back gardens. Washed the dog. Watched X factor! Cleaned house, did all the washing. Got Dan some news shoes and did my food shopping online :D
iv been rather productive too, done big grocery shop, been to trafford centre and got my perfume, which iv been carefully decanting into my various bottles, ironed my boyf's work shirts, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom walls and ceiling (meaning to do that for ages!) been "testing various icecream and sherbet dips for poison" :wink: :lol: and laughing like a maniac at the word "scrambled" coz millie pressed buttons on the remote and a box came on the tv that read "scrambled signal" and i just thought it was the funniest thing ever at the time, i washed, dried and straightened my hair (always a bit of an epic), iv been texting 4 of my friends to try and squeeze in a few visits while i got the car on wednesday and thursday, iv had a chat with my mum on tyhe fone, and iv just had a natter with tracey2 as well!

nice day for me im well tired now tho can barely keep my eyes open :sleep:
LisaJ1986 said:
Not nice really. Feel quite down today.

really hope you feel better tomorrow sweetie :( :hug:

also - make your OH sleep on the couch when he comes home pis*ed :lol:
trixipaws said:
been to trafford centre and got my perfume

meant to say earlier trix - angel is my perfume of the moment, and i LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE the pretty bottle :D it's such a good idea that you can refill it :) my mum bought me it when i had aiden :D

Lisa - :hug:

My weekend was OK I guess... I went to my mums yesturday as OH went over to his friends to play with cars!! Fitting new gages and stuff - kids!! We went for a walk, and grandma got lost of Corey cuddles! Came home, got OH dad over to sit in the house while COrey slept lol, and we went out to friends for a take away and film. I promptly missed all the film bar the 1st 10 mins :bored: !! Oh well!

Today, I kicked OH out of bed at 7am to get up with little man, I got up at 9am and OH went back to bed when I put Corey down for his nap. Then didnt get up til gone 1, when I told him that his mum was comming over with FIL and SIL in tow. Sat in the garden for a bit - lovely weather. Went to B&Q to look for wall paper for the living room and bedroom. Cooked a roast, let Corey have nappy off time before bath :doh: Mistake, he promptly fired poops off the towel he was laid on, onto my cream carpet :wall: Urgh!!

Been watching X-factor, wife swap now got Dragons Den on...
Awful! I went out on Friday night, was just planning to have a drink in my friends before they went out but I ended up going with them to a club. I drank faaaaar too many shots. I forgot I am a lightweight drinker again. It was a good night but it is now Sunday night and I am STILL hungover!! :rotfl: Here is me before I took the shots!


No more drink for me.... until next time! :lol:
My weekend was okay.

We went to a wedding yesterday, minus DD who wasn't invited. It was nice, but we didn't really know many people there. There was a lovely meal (soup, lamb and profiteroles) and a ceilidh which was really good fun. We escaped about 10pm and went to collect DD who was fast asleep at a friends in her travel cot. We transfered to the car then to her cot at 11pm when we got home.

Today DD slept in til 9.30am (yay!) then OH made a fry up (yum) then I did some tidying and cleaning in DD's room, before attempting to hoover but the hoover is done in and started spewing fluff and old cat biscuits onto the floor. Not sure how we're going to afford a new one. Then I met up with a Mummy friend of mine, whom I haven't seen for ages although we're close due to us being back at work and working different days, and her little boy who was born on the same day as my daughter. We went for a walk round the local farm and up to the park with the children. She is 17 weeks pregnant so we talked a lot about that.

Tonight I am skiving on the forum and doing some paperwork for my new job.

Valentine Xxx
Had a pretty good weekend, lots of family time. Friday night, me and OH went out for the first time in a few weeks. Saturday I had a lie in whilst OH got up with the girls. Then went shopping, got some trousers for Cally and bought Seren a doll for being so big and brave. Got home, and OH took the girls out for a walk whilst I got dinner ready. Then we both zonked out on the sofa lol. Today me and OH have been decorating the girls room and putting the cot together, got girls to bed, had a chinese, going to have a bath and then watch a film together - bliss.
Yesterday I cuddled into my chicken pox'd child and then today has been fab as Brian got home ;)
Had a complete shite weekend tbh. Say no more lol
JoAnn&Aimee said:
Awful! I went out on Friday night, was just planning to have a drink in my friends before they went out but I ended up going with them to a club. I drank faaaaar too many shots. I forgot I am a lightweight drinker again. It was a good night but it is now Sunday night and I am STILL hungover!! :rotfl: Here is me before I took the shots!


No more drink for me.... until next time! :lol:

you looked like you had a great night out GO YOU :dance:

I am not jealous at all....... :fib: :lol:
I had a productive weekend too!

We got the conservatory cleaned inside and out :dance: , the garden tidied and I have done loads of washing and cleaning.

We tried to go to Ikea but got lost :talkhand: I wanted to get the highchair Urchin got.

Then on Sunday we went to OH's Aunties for lunch and had roast Beef and all the trimmings :D
Well Friday I went for my 12 week scan which was amazing. Friday night stayed at my Mams which was fun but got NO sleep. Came home sat tea time and helped BF with the resto car project we have on the go... Sat night just chilled out and watched James Bond on the telly. Woke up sunday at 1.30pm :lol: I must have needed the sleep after the crap nights sleep I had on Friday night.

Sunday just did bits of house work as im dying with cold. Went to see OH's Dad and then got a chinese. Within half an hour of eating it I had shocking heart burn and trapped wind. Ended up on the loo with a very upset tummy and the runs :( which wasnt fun and then nearly passed out.

So today im full of cold and feeling sorry for myself :(
Well Saturday was great! As the sun was shining we grabbed a picnic & headed down to Richmond park, we then headed over to our friends 5 year olds pirate themed party & Sam loved it!
Followed them back home & stayed for dinner & wine & left very late :D

Yesterday was at home again in more lovely sunshine, putting up the kids trampoline & playing on it :wink:
We then just chilled, I made roast chicken & did some studying :)

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