how soon...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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...will i be able to lie on my front? its like my favourite sleeping postion but i havent been able to do it since i was about 7 weeks pg (boobs were too sore! then the belly appeared!)
i do intend to breastfeed so will my boobs be massive and sore so i still cant lie on my front?
i slept on mine the first nite but then my milk came in and it killed to even move in bed for a few days then my nipples were sore so it took about a month properly

oh i only breast feed the first few days so it mayb different for others who have breast feed all along
i couldnt sleep on my front until my milk had come and gone as i did breastfeed for first couple of days
It took me till I stopped breastfeeding (6 months as my milk stopped :( ) to be able to lie on my front properly. I just felt like it was squashing my boobs and they starting leaking.

This might just be my experience though. My boobs were very rebellious when I breastfed!
yeah i can't lie on my front either until i have stopped breastfeeding. its too uncomfy
I breastfeed Thea and I sleep on my front :) After a few weeks of established feeding it was fine for me. I cant do it when Thea is having a growth spurt because my boobs engorge after a day of her constant feeding but most of the time its fine.
i didnt breast feed but i got a nasty infection but as soon as that cleared up (about 3 weeks) BAM that was me on my belly loving it ahhhhhhhhhhh im fact ladies i bid you good night im off to throw myself at my bed belly first and not move allll night ... god how i missed that i was soooooooo irritated by it i love being on my belly .. so does alfie when he sleeps with me we are the image of each other how we sleep. night night girls
hey, dont tease me like that!
Alfiesmummy said:
im fact ladies i bid you good night im off to throw myself at my bed belly first and not move allll night ...

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