how often.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
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should i get jack weighed! i can see that he is gaining weight so do i just go if im concerned or do i have to go!
just get him weighed whenever you want hun,
there are no strite guidelines its up to you
I just go to the monthly baby clinic in our village to get Emms weighed
Once past 12 weeks I stopped having Galen weighed weekly or fortnightly. I now tend to have him weighed every 3 weeks or so. That's so I can see if he is going up or down the centilesas he was on the 91st at birth, around 8 weeks dropped to between 50th and 75th and is now back up near the 75th. Big baby so like to keep an eye on the weight gain :D
I go every fortnight at the very most- there's no need to go more regularly than that. I decided to stop going weekly when she gained no weight from one week to the next at 2 months old. It wasn't a concern to anyone but me and it did my head in so I thought the best way to avoid wondering why she hadn't gained weight was to wait longer so that next time she would definatlely be heavier!

She's just made it to 14lb and is just above the 2nd centile but she looks healthy and sleeps well- she's just quite dinky at the moment!
i used to go every week when millie was tiny, now i go every 2 months or something. but u dont HAVE to go, if u dont wanna thats fine! :D

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