How often is your LO in their car seat?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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OK I've decided to blame Isaac's weird sleeping needs on the car & his car seat :wink: He will NOT go to sleep unless he is being held or rocked OR in his car seat. We're in the car a lot and so I believe he associates the motion with sleeping as he sleeps in it so well, so finds it hard to fall asleep without that, unless he's on the boob, oops there's a flaw in my theory :lol:

Obviously this is not scientific fact, just me being bored and awaiting his royal awakening :D

I would love to see how this poll works out, if you wouldn't mind voting, its just for my weird interest, nothing more :hug: thankyou :)
renee is only in it when where out and about, she still well on her front.
we go out almost every day, Sam will sleep in his seat but he has no problems going down in his cot as well.....
We use it every so often with the pram. We've been out in the car only 4 times since he was born? He needs rocking to sleep or he falls asleep eating boob, he won't sleep by himself...

Austin only goes in his car seat when he's going in the car, and as I don't drive that's probably only 2 or 3 times a week. He goes to sleep really well by himself (although unfortunately only manages to stay asleep for up to 4 hours at a time!).
We're in the car 4-6 times a week and Dylan can go to sleep without being rocked. Although I've got a travel system for the car, I only use the car seat when in the car and have him lying flat in the pram when I'm out walking. 90% of the time he's in the pram is spent sleeping.
OH said I was mad considering this theory, but I thank you for taking part in the poll :hug: :lol:
i try to take him out every day either for a walk or in car...Dylan struggles to get to sleep without been held moving or a boob..will watch with intrest
millie is in her car seat sometimes every day but sometimes only 2-3 times per week. and although she doesnt need rocking or holding to sleep, i wouldnt say she "sleeps well" anymore either as she wakes frequently. so i dont kno how 2 answer!

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