How often and when do you offer water?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Dylan is forumal fed on cow and gate and has never experienced any problems. I offered him bottle sof water ont hot days (of which he prob only took about 2 oz all day). Now it is cold.... i still offer him water but he never wants it.

When and how often do you offer water to your LOs?
Finlay has water offered at bfast, lunch and dinner but rarely drinks it. He'd rather have a bottle.

I'm going to keep offering it though as I want him to drink water esp since we dropped the lunch bottle
I offer Lovella water after every meal, and sometimes inbetween if she shows signs of beingn thirsty. When she was just on formula i offered it a few times through the day. She wasnt too fussed when she was younger but she loves the stuff now! Now that its colder i have started giving her warmer drinks aswell xx
If he's still on just milk then he doesn't need water unless it's hot or he's constipated. I give Becky water with lunch and dinner but that's only because she's on solids. Otherwise they don't need it.
I only offer water with a wee bit of gripe water in it when he's EXTEMLY windy... Like today, he had a whole 4oz and half an hour later went to the loo so its unclogged what was there...

But yeah very rarely as his tummy is only tinee tinee...
Breastfed babies dont need a drink of water.. BUT formula fed babies can do. Breast milk contains the water your baby needs but formula contains minerals and salts- a higher concentrate anyway. Water is "needed" to help the kidneys break down the extra salt in formula, especially as formula fed babies lose more water BUT its not an essential of course :D Its still personal choice.

They have estimated that brestmilk is roughly 84-89% water, which formula milk isnt.. but if you do offer water dont give more than 2-4oz daily as too much can actually be dangerous! They can develope water intoxication.

I only offered Lovella water a few times a day when she was younger and overall she'd drink about 1oz a day if that :) xx

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