how much


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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for bottle fed babies how much were they on at 3 weeks my little munchkin has scoffed 4 0zs a few times in last ew days which seems way to much other times sh only takes 2 and grazes another oz about half hour later
Alfie has been taking 2-3 oz every 3-4 hours, but now he is finishing the full 3oz I might start to make him 4oz ones and see if he feeds a little less often.
Hope all is well with Daisy xxx
Charleys taking a full 4oz's every 3-4 hours!! He's a little piggy :D
Charleys taking a full 4oz's every 3-4 hours!! He's a little piggy :D

Aww he gunna be a big bruiser!!! lol I think they all eat more than the 'recommended' on the formula packets dont they!! Either that or PF babies are just porkers lol :):)
ok im not feeling like a weirdy feeder now lols iv had to stop all bf so im trying to get the bottles right she gained 10oz in 10 days in weight im so worried im gona pork her out to much i think im worryin over nothing again
Charley's already out of his newborn sleepsuits and vests! He's just taken 3 and half oz bottle and will prob want another feed in 3 hours! I normally feed him 5oz's before bed cos he's drinks the whole 4oz's then wants more!!! I seriously wouldn't worry about Daisy hun x x
Charley's already out of his newborn sleepsuits and vests! He's just taken 3 and half oz bottle and will prob want another feed in 3 hours! I normally feed him 5oz's before bed cos he's drinks the whole 4oz's then wants more!!! I seriously wouldn't worry about Daisy hun x x
ty hun im so out of practice with all this lol
At 4 weeks Drake is only on 3-4 ounces! I thought he'd be on more now but I think it's down to his oral thrush (which I have drops for) so as a result he sometimes needs feeding after only 2 hours! Feel like I'm constantly feeding him lol
Harvey is 3 weeks old and drinking 3-4oz but last night he drunk 5oz but last night he slept longer between feeds!!

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