How much to feed?


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May 24, 2008
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My little girl is 8 days old.
I am not sure how much too feed, in that i am worried of feeding her to much.
When i breastfeed i let her go until she stops.
At night i express, about 70ml for my husband to feed her, but she still seems hungry after the 70ml and will not settle. Can i give her as much as 90-100ml?
Sometimes i have to top up the additional 30ml with formula.

Any advice?
Let your baby lead the way. I remember, and most BF mothers will agree, the 1st few weeks your baby will live on your boob. I was weary about this too but i realised that i had to let DD feed as often and as much as she wanted.

Another thing, try not to use top up formula. I did that in the first few days and it messed my milk supply. If baby is hungry let her suckle because this is the only way your body will make enough milk for her high demands. Hope this helps.

Don't worry about overfeeding her, tbh I don't think you can with a booby baby. Be aware she may be comfort feeding, which is totally normal, but it can be uncomfortable in the early days and leave you gagging for a bit of a break, but I'm sure you wont be overfeeding her.
Hi, thanks.
Generally i don't use formula i only breastfeed, but i also need to get some sleep.
That is the reason i express, and then my husband will alternately do the 3am feed with the expressed milk. But he says she still seems hungry after the 70ml i have expressed, so was wondering about how much extra formula i can give her.
The aptamil box reackons 90ml in total up to 2 weeks of age.
All comments welcome, thanks
Its hard to say really hun as all babies are different! If after the 70 mls of BM she is still hungry, then maybe make her up 2 oz of formula! She may not need all that but at least you will have an idea of how much she wants/needs!
You cant over feed her hun! She wont drink what she doesnt want or she will puke it back up! Either way you will know what is too much extra! :D :hug: :hug:
I'd express more for the night time bottle rather than give her formula top up tbh. If you can get double what you currently produce might be good.

Breast feeding in the early weeks is demand and supply. If your LO wants it, let her have it. She needs to feed little and often as her tummy is only tiny still and also breast milk digest more quickly than formula.

Let her guide you, don't take her off your boob if she is feeding. Yes she may comfort suck but this feels different to actual feeding. But she is doing this for a reason also as the more she sucks the better your milk comes in and your supply increases.

Breast fed babies are very good at feeding till full and they decide when enough is enough. Its very different to formula where you make up amounts and feed at more regular intervals. A breast fed baby cannot overfeed so don't worry. Let her have as much as she wants :)

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