How much for a cleaner?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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We are looking at getting a cleaner. been looking on my local netmums site and the average price seems to be £10 an hour!!! This seems a bit much to me... or am I just behind with the times. This is just private cleaning, not an agency....

how much do you pay?

3 years ago I used to pay £6 per hour. so I was expecting 7.50 an hour to be the going rate. I think OH might apply if it's £10 a hour and then he can justify spending on ebay :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Don't want to seem mean but.... what are your experiences?
I paid the agency about £180 for a first year and now about £100 per year. I should then pay £6.50 per hour for the cleaner herself, but I pay the fairer living London wage £7.20.

£10 sounds a bit too much.
My mum pays her cleaner £9 an hour I think (north Scotland) - but only 'cos she's fab AND she sometimes passes me down the odd handmedown of her grand-daughter's!

£10 sounds a LOT! Why don't you advertise in the local paper or put up a notice in the post office or something - you'll probably get school/office cleaners looking to make a wee bit extra on the side.

Valentine Xxx

P.S. I've moved this thread to Off Topic
My Mums a cleaner and is paid £6 an hour, she used to clean and old ladies house before she died (the old lady that is) and she cleaned hers for 3hrs a day for £15
£10 is the normal rate around here too so I guess it depends. People around here would expect £10 at least, the really good ones get poached and earn more!! :)
We pay £8 an hour (my aunt cleans for us) she does ironing, dusts, hoovers, cleans floors and anything else she's sees that needs doing!

Some friends I know do pay £10 though
The cleaner where I work apparantly clears £500 per week doing this place and the local hospital. Im in the wrong job!!!!

Id say the rate for a domestic cleaner would depend on where you are and what they are expected to do :think:

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