How many months am I??


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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Now I am totally confused by this pregnancy timings......
When people ask me how many months I am, I don't know what to say........27 weeks is technically nearly 7 months, but as most people understand pregnancy as 9 months, that's confusing because there's another 3 months to go, making me 6 months............????
How does everyone else tackle this one??
iv often thought this myself! i told someone i was 8months pg wen i was 32weeks so they said only a month to go! to which i was like oh, no it could be 10weeks!! i guess its easier just to say it in weeks :lol:
well i normally think of it as 9 months is 39 weeks,every 3 months is 13 weeks so i just try to work it out from there!not all months have 4 weeks in,some are closer to 5 x
so to answer ur question 27 weeks is just over 6 months x
Well, this is confusing...but if you divide 40 by 4 you get 10 (obviously) so in my eyes, pregnancy actually lasts for about 10 months...:?

I count it as 36 weeks being 9 anywhere from there onwards I would say is 9 months. So yeah, if you're 27 weeks I would say you are a week off 7 months. But however you count it, I agree - going by weeks is much MUCH easier! :lol:

C xxx
This caused me so much confusion last time that I don't count in months and stick to weeks. If really pushed then I count how many months it is between now and my due date and then take that off 9 to tell me how far along I am.

So I'm due on December 8th, there are 2.5 months between now and then so that makes me 6.5 months pregnant...?

I'd much rather count in weeks and tell people I'm 29 weeks pg - much more accurate!
Appparently they dont count the first 4 weeks, hence 9 months! So if you go from 4 weeks after you concieved and start the count from there, you would get your weeks/months!
I generally prefer to count in weeks as months do get confusing, this is how all the health professionals count too so I guess this is the best system (with DS it was always how many months and days you were so times have changed in 9years)

However after 30 weeks I started counting down so instead of saying I was 32 weeks I would say I have 8 weeks left, generally as you get further on people only want to know how long till you pop anyway.

I started counting days left after I got to 60 days left, people seem to shut up more if you say only 12 days left.
I work mine out as I'm due on 2nd December so 8 months is 2nd November, 7 months is 2nd October (next week eek!) 6 months was 2nd September and so on.

Otherwise I get awful confused!
I've generally told people in weeks unless they've asked for months and then I've taken my due date at 21st October and taken every 21st of the month as another month from there.

I passed 8 months pregnant on Sunday just gone.... :shock: :shock: :shock:
I usually say how far in weeks but if I work out the months I go off proper months! Im dues on the 26th novemeber so today is 22cd September so nearly 7 months!
So weeks sounds better anyways! Nearly 31!! heehee
It's because there is more than 28 days (or 4 weeks) in most months (only an extra couple of days each month but they add up over the course of the pregnancy).

I think the easiest way is to count back from baby's due dated. So if baby is due on 1st November, on 1st October you will be 8 months, 1st September 7 months etc. But much easier to say weeks (or alternatively, most people who ask me for 'how far in months' can't work it out for themselves anyway so say what you like! :rotfl: )
26 weeks is six months so you're 6 and a half months :D

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