how long until 12 week scan letter comes through


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2015
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As the thread says how long does it take for the scan date to come through ? It's been 9 days since my midwife appt when she referred ME.
I didn't get mine until Saturday passed and I'm nearly 10 weeks. How far on are you?
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Give them a call won't harm. I had my M/W appointment mon and scan letter through today
I am now 8 weeks and 3 days had my midwife appt at 7 weeks exactly
I had my mw appt at 7+3 didn't get my appt until 9 weeks. I wouldn't worry too much, you've got loads of time for it to arrive. I imagine it will arrive within the next week.
I had my mw appt at 7+3 didn't get my appt until 9 weeks. I wouldn't worry too much, you've got loads of time for it to arrive. I imagine it will arrive within the next week.

oh ok thanks
I was curious because midwife had said u will receive it this week
it just makes u so impatient lol
I never asked how long it would take but I wasn't expecting it too quickly as I was seen quite early on. I didn't know if they maybe sent them out when you reached so many weeks. I'm sure it'll arrive soon but if it's not here by this time next week I'd chase them.
I'm 9 + 5. Still haven't had a MW appt, or my scan date through :(

Feeling very impatient, especially as this is my first.

Feel like there's no guidance from the professionals.

I'm confused about this too! I haven't had any indication about who my midwife will be or when I can have a scan. I just can't wait to feel like something's happening! Xx
Got my 12 week letter on Friday yay!! booked for 22nd July now counting down the days !! x
There's 3 of us having scans on the 22nd.. Lea_photo & you are having your 12 week & I am having my 20 week!!

Countdown begins..

The midwife has be as almost 11 weeks but I'm sure I'm almost 12, had two midwife visits yet still no scan date:mad:
oh that's so exciting we can all share our pictures xx

Lols82 hopefully IT will come soon I was the same as u so impatient to get my svan date ! But it finally came
hopefully yours will too ! x

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