How long did it take you to get a scan date?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Hi ladies,

I've been away the last few days. Hope you've all been well.

I had my booking in appointment with mw 3 weeks ago on Monday and am 11 weeks tmrw, but still haven't had my scan letter. I just wondered when everyone got theirs? I don't think the post has been today yet.


Hi Olive, im due same day as you, I saw mw on 14th June and got my letter through about scan on 20th June and scan is for 4th July. MW did say though than I may not get the letter through until a week before xx
Hey Olive, I had my scan date through about 4wks after my booking in app but like Tiggy, was told that I may not get it until a week before so try not to worry too much I'm sure you'll get it very soon =) xx
Hi ladies,

Thanks. Xxx
I just got home and letter has arrived! Lol. I'm 4th July too Tiggy.

I'm worry tastic this week.

Phew you got your letter!!!

I only saw my old bat of a midwife on Wednesday but still excited to be getting the letter!!
Hi ladies,

Thanks. Xxx
I just got home and letter has arrived! Lol. I'm 4th July too Tiggy.

I'm worry tastic this week.


Wooo scans on the same day, roll on a week on Monday I get the feeling next week is gonna drag!!! xx
Same here hun! How have you been feeling and how are you feeling about scan?

I've been off work this week and haven't been sick since sat, but have retched a few times most days. Had some cramping on / off this week and a horrible taste in my mouth. I'm really nervous about the scan. I just hope everything is ok.

What time is yours? Mine is at 9.30.

Yay glad you got your letter! xx
Seriously there's going to be a falling out there soon.......she really is obnoxious!!

If she points out how old I am again I may well punch her!!
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Go Cazza, go cazza ha ha ha

Good Luck with both your scans girls :) x
Thanks hun :) Just hope everything is ok and that I'm joining you soon.

Same here hun! How have you been feeling and how are you feeling about scan?

I've been off work this week and haven't been sick since sat, but have retched a few times most days. Had some cramping on / off this week and a horrible taste in my mouth. I'm really nervous about the scan. I just hope everything is ok.

What time is yours? Mine is at 9.30.


Ooh funny bout the sickness mine has been just like that not been sick but heaving at everything. I had Friday off work cos felt sick all day but then today I have been loads better!!

My scan isn't until 6pm so gonn have to get thr the whole day worrying! Wish it was first thing like yours!! I'm worried sick about it even tho we saw baby at 8 weeks, just hope everything gonna be ok for us both!! Xx

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