How long did it take for HCG level to be back to zero?

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Got yesterdays blood test result back its 60 now so its taken 10 days just to drop from 200 that seems ages!

The EPU said they are happy with anything less than 100, if i did a test it would still show up at the minute!

Just wondered how long it takes to get a 0 level!
i still showed positive in a test up to 4 weeks after my d&c, i will need to look at my previous posts to confirm exactly when, i will let u know, i didnt have any bloods done, we tried to ttc again straight after so thats why i did a preg test, i spoke to the hospital and the sister said that i shouldnt still be testing positive after that time and they did a urine and it was negative, then a few days later my tests were negative.
Thanks for replying, its about 16 days since it all started so hopefully im getting there now, just want a clean slate so we can try again

i was told after my m/c that if i still had a postive after 2 weeks to go back then they might have to do a d&c but after a week i had a negative.

hope you are all ok

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Mine was around 6 weeks later but I did bleed for a long time & still have symptoms too :hug:
I got a negative about 10 days after I had m/c confirmed but I think, looking back, my levels had been declining for a while, sore boobs had gone, tiredness had gone, needing to wee had gone. Baby had stopped developing 4 weeks before m/c confirmed.
Don't know about the levels but the pregnancy symptoms only took a few days to disappear and I had a period 33 days from the beginning of the m/c.
I don't know if this helps but I still had the tinest faint line on the day I came on how mad is THAT!

Just goes to show!!!


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