How is everyone today? :-)


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2012
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I've not been around here for a couple of days as I've been sooooo tired lol, how is everyone else??
Sick as hell and tired to boot. Slept most of the afternoon ooops!
Hehe, my sickness has really kicked in this week too... Thought it was meant to get easier!!!??? Sleep is good ;-) hehe xxx
Dog tired and wishing my hand would get better so I can get on with my life (I have an infection in my right hand). I'm also fed up of thinking about honeymoons only for OH to come alone and not like any of my ideas (3 hours until he's home again to poopoo another few ideas)

Sorry to be on a downer ladies, hope your all doing a bit better
Hey my lil buddy!!! I was back in docs again today sickness got a little out of control and got myself a lil dehydrated lol on cyclizine to try and control it now which touch wood seems to be working. That and crackers. Work is impossible so been signed off for two weeks.
Sunshine if it helps I went to Mexico on honeymoon in April the place I went was amazing couldn't have asked for better care from them! Looked after us like we were royalty! It was a tad expensive tho so not sure of your budget. X
Oooo so everyone suffering a bit this week :-( hope your hand sorts itself out soon sunshine!!!

My poor buddy! Hope the cyc helps enough to sort out the dehydration!!! Sod work... Loads of huggles sweetie xxxx
Thanks Hun they're fine about it sent me home and said not to come back (hope that means I an return a some point lol)

I just announced it on Facebook!!! Lol thought sod it scan was fab so why not!

Hope everyone feels better soon the joy of being pregnant isn't it lol this "glowing" is a myth I'm starting to think lol nothing glam about hugging the toilet on the floor lol
I really want to start "glowing" I just look a pale shade of see-through green, my hair is greasy, my skin is spotty and I look like I've eaten too many pies lol :-/. Ahh well it'll all be worth it :) I can live with looking like poo for a while
lol I hear you Sarah85. Glowing indeed - I look like a zombie!

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