How do you relieve Constipation in breastfed baby?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
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My LO has been a bit constipated - only 1 proper poo in last 48hrs.

He's waking up and straining really hard, then crying in pain - but nothing happening... but I know too soon to worry about going to DR's etc.

So - is there anything I can be doing to ease his pain?

As he's breastfed - I'm not giving him a bottle at all and HV said he doesn't need to be given anything apart from breastmilk - so no bottle of water or tea, as I've seen suggested elsewhere on here...

Is there anything else I can be doing to help him - I hate seeing him in pain, and feel really crap that all I can do is cuddle and comfort him, knowing that it's not actually helping him at all?
Awww poor little thing.

TBH tho I think water is the only thing that will help at his age, if you dont want to give him a bottle incase he gets used to it rather that him latching on - how about giving him a little boiled, cooled water by a teaspoon?

Hope he is better soon xx
you could try lying him on his back and moving his legs in a backwards cycling motion, it's supposed to help the muscles relax and ease pain. I tried it on dd and it seemed to help soothe her.

hope he feels better soon
Hoorah - we had a poo!!!

Read up on some other info which said that sometimes it's caused by dehydration & that for breastfed babies, you should offer boob more frequently. So did that plus a tummy massage with olive oil, plus the cycle motion of the legs... not sure which of those made the difference, but at least I have a happy baby again :dance:
Glad you got a result!

For future reference....I've heard that if you drink pear juice, or eat few pears it's meant to help baba pooooooo!


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