how do u know


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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iv had niggling back pain since 3 am, its not that painful its uncomfy and annoying but it will ease in certain positions. iv not had back pain all the way through and havnt strained myself today.
also i keep getting tummy pains which i keep thinking are contractions but not wanting to ge tmy hopes lol!!! i have had a few good clearouts this morn so keep associating the pains with that and trying to go to the loo :oops: i know i need to just monitor it and see if the pains intensify or get regular but i dont wanna wait i juust wanna know lol. iv put the tens on now anyway do u think its too early for tht sorry for all the questions i dont wanna get my hopes up then it amount to nothing!!
You'll know if its a contraction. It wil hurt, kind of like a crescendo of pain, it comes along, builds up, peaks and passes. And you feel it lower down, not high up. It'll cause you to catch your breath. Usually last 20 seconds or longer iirc, lasting longer the more you have and the further you progress.

Sounds to me like possible pre labour which means you are niggling but nothing is really happening yet.

I'd not use the TENS unless it was painful enough to warrant it personally and you are actually having proper contractions. I'd give your body a chance to develop a bit of a threshold and carry on with things if you are able. I had two days of pre labour and my conractions were painful and defo strong and the TENS helped me get some rest on and off.
the pains do seem to be as you describe but not regular at all but def in the stages you describe and at the bottom/front of my bump and in the back too. think ill leave tens for now as they are managable and not too intense and only lasting 30 secs to a min.iv got a sweep at 3 pm anyway. thanks for the advice.
Have a bath. If they are contractions it will either bring them on or stop them :)

You know when its the real thing because you'll have regular tightenings that you can time, a show or your waters will break :)

good luck
I had niggling back twinges the day before which stopped and started for 24 hours. I thought I had just pulled my back or something. Bit of a shock when suddenly my waters went the next day. Good luck, sounds promising :pray:
sounds like the start of things/pre-labour/effacing pains- i bet ur holding ur baby soon! real contractions will stop u from walking or talking. but i must admit when i went into labour at first i was unsure about whether that was it or not, i didnt kno what to expect. good luck! xx
:wave: the way you describe how you feel sounds exactly like how i felt, i didnt want to say anythin incase i made a fool out of myself lol. i just felt really uncomfortable all day and just different to normal, not painful just different. and that night i went in hosp and had my LO the next day, i was already in established labour when i had my full show and was 5cm when my waters finally broke. Got a feeling youll be meetin your baby very soon!
good luck love xx

xxx linzi xxx
I was the same when I went into labour, wasnt sure if it was contractions or not so I carried on with my day (went out for a meal for my friends birthday etc) and eventually realised they were definitely contractions when they were strong and really sore which is when I went to hospital. Good luck hun :hug:
trixipaws said:
sounds like the start of things/pre-labour/effacing pains- i bet ur holding ur baby soon! real contractions will stop u from walking or talking. but i must admit when i went into labour at first i was unsure about whether that was it or not, i didnt kno what to expect. good luck! xx

I didn't think I was in labour either...until I was quite far on. I look back now and it was obvious!!lol
defo sound slike rthe start of things.

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