How do I know if LO has drained my breast?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
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We had a rough start with breastfeeding due to August's tongue tie, but we had it released when he was a week and a half old and two days later he was finally able to latch on to my breast. Its been really tough and I've nearly given up several times, but I'm happy to say that we are still at it and down to only one bottle a day. :cheer: I plan to drop that bottle soon and breastfeed exclusively.

August tends to feed for 1.5-2 hours, sometimes every hour. I've read this can be normal, but I wonder if I'm leaving him too long on one breast? He tends to stay on one breast for ages. Last night I switched breasts after about ten minutes and he fed for another ten minutes and then pulled off and slept for 4 hours!

How do I know when it is time to switch to the other breast?

Thanks for your help!
what midna says :)

i find that my boob feels much emptier too. connor fusses once he's drained it - he'll keep going back for more but break off once he's sucked a couple of times; i let him do this for a bit as i want to make sure he's getting all the hindmilk, then i'll swap him.

you've done brilliantly hon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know to offer another boob when LO sucks less frequently and seems less interested (but she often doesn't let go off the boob is just happy 'hanging in there'). When giving her another boob she starts sucking intensively again and I can hear her gulps...

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