How did you tell your boss?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2010
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Since I'm in 2nd trimester now, I have started to tell people that I'm pregnant. But I don't know how to tell my boss or when. I just feel she's so busy and I'm busy and there's never a right time.

How did you tell your boss? I'd be happy to hear your story!
I told her when I had to go to ask for time off for scan appointment, seemed the prefect time... although she was not at all interested and told me it was too early to tell her, that I still had a chance of loosing baby etc etc... Mind, work have been crap over the whole pregnancy thing, with the same woman constantly telling me I'm too small and am I sure I'm pregnant etc, she'll have the shock of her life when we're back in on monday and she see's my bump now!!!
But no, I just came out with it. Although next time I'll be leaving it as late as possible!

Probably not the sort of supportive story you wanted actually... sorry! Put it down to emotional pregnant rant!
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Well in our office there is only 2 of us, me and my boss (who is also a nosy interfering cow I booked a day off to go docs (to get it confirmed) the next day she asked why I went so I told her (it would've been silly to try and hide it) she said that she'd guessed as much as I'd been going toilet a lot (think she made that up to seem in the know) then asked for my MATB1 (!) or proof (!) which I had to explain my doc refused and that was that pretty much. Sorry it wasn't more positive!

I just sorta blurted it out to my manager on her first day in our shop!!

Just said i needed a word when she had a min and told her! She was brilliant espec as shes a lot younger than me, no kids and never had a pregnant employee before! xx
I told my bosses last week. I asked them if I could have a quick meeting with them and when would be a good time. I wanted to make sure I had their attention and wouldn't be interrupted. They were really nice (they are men so really didn't want any details). I was really nervous but it really was fine. Good luck.
i just asked my boss could i have a word.. and said ''id rather it come from me than u hear it off someone else.. im pregnant!'' and that was that!! xx

gingerxmas - your boss sounds like a right **** how can it be TOO early to tell her?
the earlier the better as a risk assesment can be carried out
and your covered if anything did happen!! shes just trying to cover her own back the horrible cow!!!! xx
Told mine when she went out for her morning cigarette lol
She was really happy as she knows my OH as he worked for the same company until March and they knew each other over 20 years :)

PS hun... so so so delighted to see u in tri 2 !
I was absolutely dreading telling my boss as hadn't been there very long (not entirely planned!) and it will totally screw up my job! I kept waiting for the perfect time and it never came so I gave myself a deadline and then she buggered off for the day! Ended up telling her at 10 o'clock in the evening and was just honest about everything and she was amazing! She is known to fly off the handle at the smallest thing and she totally did the opposite - my only comment is that people don't always react in the way that you think they will so try not to worry too much :) I was 14 weeks... Good luck!
i texted my manager and the RM, RM texted bk hours later saying risk assess needs to be done asap. manager never got bk to me but did tell everyone else on the team later on that day. she said congrats like a week later but i know she didnt mean it and isnt happy bout it.

i told the day after i found out so i was 5 weeks.
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Thank you ladies! It was good to hear all of your stories! I guess I'll wait a couple of more weeks before I tell her, but if my bump get too obvious, than I'll tell her:)
Dont forget your time off for mat appointments and what not is paid so the way I see it the sooner the better lol
I was hoping to not tell them until it was too obvious to hide. However my scan date came through on a day to work so needed it off but I was too scared to tell them myself so my Dad phoned them haa. Good job they know my dad well enough lol. x
i was 14 weeks and just caught him after a staff meeting off guard and said i wanted him to know first, but i was pregnant and it was twins so would have to keep him updated about tie off etc. he then asked when i was due and how did i feel etc so not too bad a bit inge though! i wanted to wait a few more weeks really but i knew people were noticing things( plus couple of girls knew and didnt want it to get back). hope it goes well!

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