How did you count your weeks?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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Hi ladies,

How do you count your weeks when your cycle exceeds 28 days?

Some online calculators (like the one of the ticker below) say that I am a week behind compared to when my last period started...(my cycle averaged at 36 days) mother says pregnancies are 38 weeks from when you last have your period, they just give you an extra margin of 2 weeks... so she says I'm due on 5th March, while the ticker says 14th.

I kinda like my mom's way best, because according to it I'm 11 weeks :cheer:

What do you think?
When was your last period?

I goes from the first day of your lsat peiod - 40 weeks

My last period was on 30th May... so my mom would be right... +40 weeks is 5th March :cheer:

Why do the calculator lenghten the whole thing if your cycle is longer then?
ask your doc..i had the same prob and they calculated it for me depending on my cycle length and im farther along then i thought :)
on a similar line, when you read stuff about how the baby is developed at 6 weeks, , does that mean at the start of week 6 , or end of week 6?? If im 6 weeks 4 days should i be looking at week 6 info or week 7 info, as im in the 7th week?

im sure it doesnt really matter that much but its doing my head in! haha
i also have 38 day cycles, but i found some online due date calculaters take into account cycle length when working out the due date.

Ive had a scan since finding out so im going by that now, but it doesnt add up to my LMP

baby will come when ready i guess :rotfl:
gymbabeliz said:
on a similar line, when you read stuff about how the baby is developed at 6 weeks, , does that mean at the start of week 6 , or end of week 6?? If im 6 weeks 4 days should i be looking at week 6 info or week 7 info, as im in the 7th week?

im sure it doesnt really matter that much but its doing my head in! haha

I got muddled with this - my nurse mate thought it was counted at the begining of the week but the midwife counted from the end - I'm sticking to the latter to avoid disappointment!!

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