How can I say no without offending him

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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My Dad phoned me this morning to ask if he could look after Jake whilst I am at work on Sat morning. I said I would let him know after I had asked OH if he has anything planned. The thing is I am not that keen on him looking after Jake. I know that sounds awful as he loves him and he wouldn't do anything on purpose to hurt him but my Dad isn't really clued up on babies because him and my Mum split up when I was little and he didn't have that much to do with any other babies. My step Mum will be there aswell and although she has got four grown up children she never really shows much interest in Jake and had never asked to hold him or anything. I don't know what to say to him.
I'd say this time "we have plans" type thing and next time (or this time?) say 'great thanks' then turn up with a picnic or something and stay yourself so he gets time with LO and you get to 'supervise' type thing.
If you're not comfortable - you can always call the night before and say he isn't well, a little cold or something :?

But maybe step mum is not holding him etc so that you don't think she's interfering and maybe she'd actually be quite involved if you weren't there - she managed to raise 4 without breaking them, so I should think she would keep an eye on everything :D
Well I have spoken to my Dad and we have agreed that they can have Jake for a few hours Sat afternoon. Apparently it was my step Mum who wanted to have him which surprises me as she never seems that interested. I am still nervous but i'm sure he will be ok. The only problem is that they don't have a travel cot so I don't know where he will have his naps.
Awww.... glad you got sorted.

Could he not nap on their bed surrounded by pillows
SarahH said:
Awww.... glad you got sorted.

Could he not nap on their bed surrounded by pillows

Yes I suppose he could but i've got to be careful because he rolls lots and I worry he might roll off of the bed.
my mum used to put my nephew down on her bed surrounded by pillows and then put the dining room chairs round the bed so it was like cot bars
How about his pram if its just for a couple of hours?
Just an idea, but what if you mention a travel cot to your Dad for his place, he might buy one especially for when Jake comes over.

Does he have a supportive bouncy chair you could take, babies often fall asleep in those, for a few hours it wouldn't make any difference. Or the pram, cushions & blankets made into a little nest on the floor etc.
Rowan sleeps in his pushchair when he's at the grandparents.

How lovely that your stepmum is taking an interest. Sounds like she's trying not to look like she's interfering.
Stop worrying! Let them have him. I'm sure they are more than capable of looking after him safely for a few hours. In fact, I'm sure they'll be extra careful as it's their first time etc.

This could be the first of many times. Let them share in the joy of having him around and giving you the odd break. :D

He'll be fine.

Oh - and as far as the naps are concerened, if it was me, and I had nowhere to put him down safely for his nap, I would put him on the sofa and sit with him. It's lovely watching babies sleep! :hug:

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