how can i chill?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i scored 10 on my postnatal depression test which my HV said is a little high. i kno i dont hav a problem with the bonding/feeling happy/looking forward to things/coping etc but i think the questions i didnt do so well on were the ones like "do u hav irrational fears" "would u blame urself if baby was ill/hurt" etc.
i told her i worry too much about leaving her in a room alone (in case she stops breathing/something electric sets on fire!) or going out with her (in case shes snatched) etc etc etc and i cant chill out any more, and she said thats normal.
will this pass, how can i chill out, i dont wanna be a bundle of nerves.
These fears are all normal hun try not to worry, they will get better, kids r just one long worry no matter how old they get its just part of being a mum and you wouldnt be normal if you didnt have any worries :)
Babe I know how you feel. I scored high on mine 17 and was transfered to a doctor for pnd.I said no to Anti Deressants(sp). I find that if i have a fear of something i try to write it down at the time then when i'm feeling better and a bit calmer i reread what i have written and it has made me see that it is something i can cope with. I also talk to my dh about it. Try relaxation and breathing exercises. My hv told me to do these thing and they work for me. Also i turn some music on and dance with Santi, he thinks its hillarious (sp) Hope this helps :hug: :D
You cant trix your a mum and a bloody good one and you never chill out of stop worrying!

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