Hot Date lol!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I've been pestered since Friday evening by my Army ex! He contacted me Friday to "suprise" me that he was back home for 2 weeks. He's been texting constantly to ask when I'm free as he wanted to take me out for dinner...

...I kept putting it off and claimed I was really busy (if you read my other post a while ago, you'll know why!) lol.

So, after a whole weekend of badgering me, my Mum said "just go! You might enjoy it, you never go out, have fun" so I decided to go! :oops:

Anyway, we had a lovely night, BUT, sooooo many people assumed he was the Father :rotfl: The poor bloke got comments like "awww, bet you can't wait!" and "Oh you poor thing, you'll have to watch her in so much pain" and "is this your first?" and after careful glances at each other, we just played along :roll: :lol: I didn't want to look like a complete slapper!!

We went back to his house and it was so nice to see all his family again. He didn't let me pay for a thing and when I stopped to get petrol, he got out the car first and started filling my car up for me! Gent! Then, he ran into the station before me, ran up to the counter laughing and said "Number 5 please" and I said "oi, I'm paying! You paid for dinner" and he just smiled at me and said "love, get your big bump back in that car and let me pay you muppet!"

Anyway, when he got back in the car, he'd bought me an orange juice and a chocolate bar too :D Love it!!

OMG OMG OMG!! And!! I sat on the table next to Saed (sp?!) from last year's The Apprentice!! It was soo frickin' wierd!!

aw he sounds like a real gent! What a lovely night. Glad he made you feel like a princess hun :hug: :hug:

So you gonna see him again???
Aww he sounds lovely *love, get your big bump back in that car * lol how cutes that !!

Yeah are ya gunna see him again eh eh ?!?!
What did your mum say does she approve !?!
Thanks girls!

Erm.. I think I will see him again, there were no awkward moments or anything which was nice, I just can't get past my feelings of insecurity and wanting to protect my baby from any hurt :think: Plus, he's in the army which doesn't help matters!

It was a lovely night, and I really enjoyed myself and had fun so I don't regret going... I just think I've disconnected myself for some reason from getting close to anyone. I have barriers up which is good I suppose but then again culd push someone away?!

I always go too far into stuff lol! :doh: I'm just going to play it cool... 8) :rotfl: xxx
Awww he does sound like a nice bloke, plus where is the harm in going out for some nice food, being treat like a princess and having a good old catch up.

Your mums right, you need to still have some fun.

I hope you see him again hun and have some more fun times ( playing it cool ) :hug:
awww glad you had a good night. He definitely sounds like a real gent.

Hope you have another date :D
aww glad you had a good night out, you deserve it :) :hug:
Aw, it sounds like a lovely evening.

It's nice to get spoiled, especially when you're on the home stretch! He sounds really nice. :)
He sounds nice, and im glad you had a good evening - you deserve it Danni.
He sounds like a lovely guy, Im glad you had a good time no harm in taking things slow and seeing where you end up! :hug: :hug:
He sounds lovely glad u had a good nite and hope u have more
Aw you deserve to have some attention lavished on you, so glad you had a good time. Hope you see him again, he sounds lovely :hug:
Aww sounds like a lovely time Dannii!! :D:D:D:D
Im so happy for you!
Just take it one day at a time! If you just go for a nice time and not think to much into it then you wont have to worry too much about your insecurities!! :D :hug:
Yay for more nights of being spoiled!! :D :cheer:
Hey Dannii! YOU'RE the inspiration to us single mum's! Hahahaha Mhairi is almost 8 months old.....Evie isn't here yet! :rotfl: :rotfl:



Aww thanks ladies!! We're taking his little brothers out at the weekend I think, poor things :( That's a whole other story!! They are neglected... Guts me :cry:

I'll keep you updated :wink: xx
I am so pleased that you had fun on your date hun. You deserve to be spoiled, he sounds like a lovely lad too hun :D

oh dannii! just seen this, sounds like you had a great time! keep us updated! :hug:

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