Hope someone else has had this lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Well, I attacked my OH this morning, wrapped him in the duvet and had my wicked way with him (he's cycled off to work a shadow of his former self lol). Went for a wee, made a coffee and sat in the lounge. Went to stand up and I dribbled fluid :shock:. It's not father lava :)D keepontrying) so could either be wee (although I had not long been but it still could be) but it didn't smell or I have developed a very slow puncture or it's watery dc, in which case it was very very watery.

Am sitting down again and will see what happens when I next stand up. It's the lack of smell that's confusing me, there was no tinge to the watery stuff it was totally clear.

I'm not googling it after the plug thing yesterday lol cos I'll probably end up needing counselling or something. Has anyone else had this after dtd and figured out what it was? xxxxxxxx
LMAO poor guy bet he's in shock lol :)

Haven't had this obviously yet, but couldn;t just cut and run :)
Ditto, no experience of this but just had to say....father lava! LOL ...love it! X
After me and OH dtd the other night, I noticed my discharge was a lot more watery and clear than usual.
Didnt quite dribble out, but not far off.
Going to mention mine to the midwife tomorrow morning at my appointment.
Glad you finally managed to pin him down!!!
I've had watery discharge the last few days, literally dribbling out of me. I thought my waters had gone but it stopped so can't have been.
I think it's probably dc. Always a bit disconcerting when something runs down the back of your knee lol. Had nothing since but will keep an eye on it. Sounds gross but trying not to put a pad on as I'm allergic to sanitary pads, not sure if I will be to maternity pads too. A wad of tissue is doing the job at the mo lol
oooo could be some waters leaked hun. Don't forget there are two lots of waters also, fore and hind. Keep a pad on too, but if you get a dribble load come out again I'd maybe ask mw to check.

When I had severe watery discharge at around 37 weeks my mw sent me to MAU to make sure it was discharge and not waters coz of the risk of infection if waters go, I had 4 people looking up me with a torch haha

Some peoples waters do trickle out slowly. Mine went like a geiser (sp?), luckily just as I sat on the loo lol
oooo could be some waters leaked hun. Don't forget there are two lots of waters also, fore and hind. Keep a pad on too, but if you get a dribble load come out again I'd maybe ask mw to check.

When I had severe watery discharge at around 37 weeks my mw sent me to MAU to make sure it was discharge and not waters coz of the risk of infection if waters go, I had 4 people looking up me with a torch haha

Some peoples waters do trickle out slowly. Mine went like a geiser (sp?), luckily just as I sat on the loo lol

Hahahahaha with a torch??? Omg I would literally have pmsl. If I get it again I will ring triage. Had watery dc before but never enough to make it run iykwim xxxxxxxxx
i had watery dc really bad the day before my waters broke, to the point where i got sent to hosp by the mw to check it wasnt a slow leak in my waters. that resulted in a sweep cos of lack of me feeling baby move and well then it all kicked off etc.

so id say watery dc or maybe your just extra juicy :)
I had this too last time we dtd. I'm putting it down to excess fluid from dtd as it didn't last.
See i personally would go get checked if it keeps up ..it may only be discharge but if there is a small leak in your bag the fact that you had sex could leave babe open to infection ....Im sure its nothing at all hun but i would get checked over just to put your mind at ease
At least you have tyhe energy it takes me 15 mins to get out of bed never mind any action ha I haven't had this but I read in one of my books if you are not sure whether something is fluid or pee, if you lie down and it still come out and standing up it stops it will be your waters as the babys head acts as a cork when you are stood up xxxx Keep us updated :)
Lol I did that to hubby this morning bless him. He started work at 2 am this morning got home to then have his wife jump on him lol. He's now napping hahahahahahaha xxxxx
oooo could be some waters leaked hun. Don't forget there are two lots of waters also, fore and hind. Keep a pad on too, but if you get a dribble load come out again I'd maybe ask mw to check.

When I had severe watery discharge at around 37 weeks my mw sent me to MAU to make sure it was discharge and not waters coz of the risk of infection if waters go, I had 4 people looking up me with a torch haha

Some peoples waters do trickle out slowly. Mine went like a geiser (sp?), luckily just as I sat on the loo lol

Hahahahaha with a torch??? Omg I would literally have pmsl. If I get it again I will ring triage. Had watery dc before but never enough to make it run iykwim xxxxxxxxx

I know, a moment I will remember forever lol There was a midwife, consultant, doctor and they asked if I minded if a trainee joined them, i was like why the hell not, come to the party lol
At least you have tyhe energy it takes me 15 mins to get out of bed never mind any action ha I haven't had this but I read in one of my books if you are not sure whether something is fluid or pee, if you lie down and it still come out and standing up it stops it will be your waters as the babys head acts as a cork when you are stood up xxxx Keep us updated :)

Nothing could stop my waters lol I was walking along and they were literally running down my legs like a tap had come on!!
No more dribbles so far, which was just as well cos tesco's was packed and I would have been mortified rofl. Am at home now so will have a bounce on the ball this afternoon. Thanks for the advice girls :hug: xxxxxxxx
I've had the same on similar occasions ;) I did speak to my Dr about it at one point because I thought it was a lot! I was told unless it's really really gushing it's unlikely to be your waters breaking or leaking but if you feel like it's unusual for you there's no harm in double checking with the MW and see what she says :)
lol some of these comments dcefinately bring a smile to my face after a long hard day at work, ive heard it being called alot of stuff but father lava thats afab xxx

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