Hope i'll be able to cope ok!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2006
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How is everyone going to feed their LO? (breastfeed ect.). My friend lent me the Gina Ford (baby guru) book which i've read most of and i feel as though there's just too much to take in :shock: She says how it is best to feed the baby every 3 hours and not on demand and to express your milk an extra 3 times a day! When i've discussed this with other mums they seem to think it's ridiculous to wake your sleeping baby and to definitely feed on demand. As you can tell this is my first baby and pretty clueless as to what's best. Really hope i can cope, anyone got any advise please? :wall:
My MW taught me with DD to let sleeping babies lie and dont rush over on the first whinge. She also taught me to knock off the nighttime feed and replace with water so that the baby wont bother waking up eventually. Must be right coz she slept through from 11 days old :)
Give the gina ford book back to your mate! Let your baby tell you what to do!!

Jadie said:
Give the gina ford book back to your mate! Let your baby tell you what to do!!


I agree Jade!

At our antenatal classes MW said to us all 'Do Not Read Gina Ford'

No one asked why but I can soooo see why now!!
I have a breast feeding book called breast is best (Dr Penny Stanway) and in it they say to feed on demand or if you need to Ie) your breast are gonna explode :shock: . The lady says there isn't a problem leaving your baby to sleep as long as it doesn't go on for 4 hours or more... if this is the case then she advises to wake your newborn. ( I think the chances of your newborn sleeping for more than 4 hours in 1 go is slim!! but I may be wrong)

I am hoping to get a lot of advice from the HV but the basic gist of what I have learned so far is that the baby knows best and the more you feed the more milk you will make so never refuse your baby........ also with regard to expressing you shouldn't have to do this if the baby is feeding well enough..... only do this if you are struggling to feed or if you have to go out and need someone else to give baby a feed ( again something I can't see happening for the first few months but you never know!)

I know this might sound silly but i just feel like my head is in bits, hope it comes naturally when LO's here otherwise i'll be a mess!
Your natural mother's instinct will just kick in hun! Well thats what everyone keeps telling me :pray:
You will all be fine..... If I can cope any one can!

Thanks guys, think it might just be easier to go with the flo.
I agree with Jaidy, let NATURE tell you what's right. Why does everyone keep trying to change our natural ways/instincts?!
I tired really hard to breast feed, i had to stay in hospital for nearly 3 days because max refused the breast and the MW kept making me try!! In the end I said enough is enough and gave max bottle.

Like the others say, your baby will tell you what he/she wants, so try not to panic

Natalie x

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