

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Im so happy! This morning we got our tickets for our Honeymoon. My DH has been working so hard so that we can afford to go, he's away 4/5 nights a week, i miss him so much, so it'll fantastic to spend time together. Im gonna miss Charlie so so so so so much :cry: she is staying with Grandma so i know she'll have as much fun as us!
Any way this is where we are going to. Sharm el Sheik.

http://www.medhotels.com/checkHotAvaili ... ripadvisor

Im so excited lol :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: We go two weeks on Sunday. Sorry just had to share and 'big up' my fab Husband.
Hels it looks so beautiful there, I hope you have a wonderful time hon :hug:
that looks lovely! have fun :D Thats what my DF is doing aswell, shifts. i miss him too :(
Looks great - have a fabulous time (as if you wouldn't?!) :cheer:
Lucky you hun, it looks beautiful.

Have a lovely time :hug:
Wow it looks amazing! im sure you will have a fab time! :D how long are you going for? :)
Hello, we went here in March 2005. It was lovely. Only the second time i been out of great britain.

Just for the week, but im so looking forward to it. Any tips for us then Jadie???
Augh Hels... that just looks soooooo gorgeous! I can really do with a honeymoon break.... poor DH has taken the back seat and I'm totally zonked!

Would you mind if I took your place instead? :rotfl:

Emilia xx
Emilia.....take it hun....DH has seriously pissed me off today!!!! LOL :rotfl:
hels said:
Emilia.....take it hun....DH has seriously p*ssed me off today!!!! LOL :rotfl:

Maybe I should take his place then.... we will have LOADSA fun!!!

What ya waiting for? :cheer:

Emilia xx
i think that if someone wins the lotto then they should take all us ladies on an all inclusive holiday just for some fun :dance: :dance:

budge you can even bring a rabbit :wink:

wow hun have a great time , hope you really enjoy yourself you really deserve it
Thanks girls.....Sorry Emilia and davina, i have forgiven DH, so im afraid you cant go now!!!
OOOHHHHHH 2 weeks on sunday, i cant wait!
hels said:
Thanks girls.....Sorry Emilia and davina, i have forgiven DH, so im afraid you cant go now!!!
OOOHHHHHH 2 weeks on sunday, i cant wait!

Gutted.... thought you were my friend! :shakehead:

Your loss!!!

Emilia xx

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