Home Hair Dyers??


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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Ive bought clairol nice and easy, colour blend technology to use to dye my hair this time..... is it easy to do??? ive always got mine done by a hairdresser but its a blinking rip at the min!! :eek:

Im going to be brave I think and do it tonight.... has anyone used this or has an tips ???

I normally have foils done and have it bleached but this time ive gone for a colour... have I bought the wrong thing???
Ermm im not sure it hink blondes always trouble to do yourself but iv done it and every other colour imaginable so it is doable but iv always bleached it then used a toner, or used a pretty hardcore highlighting kit, which i think by the sounds is what you could have done with if its just for your roots. Im not sure having not used the one you have, worth a try though, maybe do a test strand ?? See what colour it ends up :D :D Theres usually a bit on the back saying whether its recommended for your natural hair colour, that should give you some idea on the strength of it :)
Hey hun, it will give you an all over colour which you've just said, so you do realise that you won't get the same result as hi-lights.

All I can advise is to protect your hair line with a little Vaseline in case of colour run. Wear old clothes and if you are doing it over the bath fill the bottom of bath with water as I find that it stops the colour from sticking, making sure to rinse off any colour splashes asap!

Good luck and let us know how it goes :D
yeah I knew it would give me an all over colour.... do I just wack it on and hope for the best then!!!!

christ my roots are shocking I look like a chav :rotfl: :rotfl:
MagicMarkers said:
Ermm im not sure it hink blondes always trouble to do yourself but iv done it and every other colour imaginable so it is doable but iv always bleached it then used a toner, or used a pretty hardcore highlighting kit, which i think by the sounds is what you could have done with if its just for your roots. Im not sure having not used the one you have, worth a try though, maybe do a test strand ?? See what colour it ends up :D :D Theres usually a bit on the back saying whether its recommended for your natural hair colour, that should give you some idea on the strength of it :)

yeah there is a pic on the back which shows me what colour my hair will go!!!! i normally use bleach but thought I would try summit different cause im sure this has go to be better for my hair!!
MrsBrightside said:
yeah I knew it would give me an all over colour.... do I just wack it on and hope for the best then!!!!

christ my roots are shocking I look like a chav :rotfl: :rotfl:

Yep, make sure that you read the instructions as most do not require you to shampoo your hair first. You then just massage it in, make sure you wear the gloves :)
brilliant, yeah says best on dirty hair which mine is!! ive just read the instructions and from what I can see ya stick it on from ya roots and pull it through with ya hands!!!
right its on!!! fingers crossed its going to work out.... it freaking stinks :puke:
well its done........ still got the odd ginger bit but hey that cant be helped.... I no longer have roots which is great :) and to be honest I think my hair feels much much better then when I get it bleeched... im going to make some food and will post a pic but I will tell you im not wearing any make up so get ready for the shock!! :eek: :lol:
I used one of these last night, & you are right, it stinks!!! Came out ok, not as strong a colour as Id hoped for, but better than it was!!

Post a pic for us then!!!
just eat ones noodles and I will post a pic.... yeah I thought the colour would have been stronger like!!!



there ya go... sorry for the smug looking pictures.... and the lack of makeup!!!
WELL DONE!!! That looks fab hun, you should feel very proud! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hug:
God that looks amazzzinnggg ! Know wat hairdye im buying in the future, its gone a lovrly colour ! !!
yeah im really pleased with it.. its lovely and light :) it smells horrible when your putting it on tho :puke: :lol:

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