Home from Hospital....


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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And STILL pregnant!! :dance: I seriously thought Id end up walking out of there without another baby in my tummy. Its been great being in there for 3 weeks and it has really helped with my stress levels......
Everything is looking ok so far and I am so grateful to be this pregnant-and to be in unknown territory :D
I had a scan last week, cervix was a little shorter than it had previously been at 2.5cm but today I had a scan and its now measuring 3cm :D So I am thrilled.

Hope everyone is doing well xxx
That's such good news Diddy! Lots of congrats and hope that it continues to go just as smoothly.

That is fantastic news :yay: so pleased to hear from you
oh that sounds good for you then, only another few more weeks then you out the danger zone, each day is a bonus for you right now.
I had a prem baby at 33 weeks after my waters breaking at 22 weeks and my hospital are doing research into it at the moment they have asked me to help them, the said qualify because i have had 5 miscarraiges and a prem baby, i have to have a ffn test at 22 weeks then take progesterone tablets till 34 weeks I am waiting for all the information to come in the post, they reckon that half of prem babies could go onto full term if women were given progesterone but goverment wont fund it unless they have proof I am so happy that it may not help me but it may help other women in the future. I am sorry that some women have to go through this and i know this wont help with everyone.

I really hope that this is 3rd time lucky for you, your hospital seem to be looking after you very well.
YAY Glad everythings on track and baby is still in your tummy :) xxx
oh that sounds good for you then, only another few more weeks then you out the danger zone, each day is a bonus for you right now.
I had a prem baby at 33 weeks after my waters breaking at 22 weeks and my hospital are doing research into it at the moment they have asked me to help them, the said qualify because i have had 5 miscarraiges and a prem baby, i have to have a ffn test at 22 weeks then take progesterone tablets till 34 weeks I am waiting for all the information to come in the post, they reckon that half of prem babies could go onto full term if women were given progesterone but goverment wont fund it unless they have proof I am so happy that it may not help me but it may help other women in the future. I am sorry that some women have to go through this and i know this wont help with everyone.

I really hope that this is 3rd time lucky for you, your hospital seem to be looking after you very well.

I was asked to take part in that trial aswell. I was happy to oblige, but because I had Sophie at 24 + 2 and Luke at 24 weeks after going in at 23, I thought if I had that test at 22 weeks and started progesterone it would not have enough time to be of any benefit.
So I started taking it at 14 weeks and I feel somewhat confident that the cyclogest is the reason I have not went into prem labour-and hopefully wont.
I also think that is the reason for my cervix getting longer......and it does no harm to baby so I would recommend it to anyone who has suffered a prem birth.....xxx
Glad all is going well, we were all wondering how you were getting on. Fingers crossed that baby stays where it is for a wee while yet! x
Glad u and bubs r doin well,hope things stay positive for u xxx
really glad everything is going well for you hun xx
omg i'm so so happy to see this! hope everything else is a bit better too :hug: xxx
So glad to hear everything is going ok. Take care. xxxxx
Such happy news hun, so made up for you :yay:
wooohoooo great news Diddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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