Home Birth advice


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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I dont know if I want a home birth or not.
Yes for
Not staying in hospital
no traveling

No for

Any advice welcome
people have home births everydy caboholic. its becoming a popular choice.

you don't have to tell the neighbours you're in labour.
any house is large enough.
ask a close family member or friend to come and get luke and LEAVE when the time arrives. Make sure you say you want them to go and not hang around :lol: . You most prob deliver at night anyway when hes asleep.
problems??? what problems chick? Be more specific :D
I had a homebirth and was really pleased I did. It is so much nicer to be in your own home environment.
any tips nicky?

ive bee told to get a couple of old shower curtains or new cheap ones. would you advise anything else please :)
Problems with the baby when i was in labour with Luke they monitored him all the way through
I'm hoping for a home birth, even though this is my first I've been told it shouldn't be a problem. My OH is terrified of hospitals :roll: so it'll be easier on him. I've spoken to a few people with experience of hospital and home births (including my mum & sister) & they've all said how much easier & more relaxing it was.

At home you're constantly supervised & if the slightest thing goes wrong you'll be ambulanced over to hospital.

Remember you can only have gas & air or pethidine at home though!
budge said:
why did they monitor him cab?

As I was in slow labour for days before I started properly so he was a bit distresed by that time
chances are things will be differnet second time round.

why don't you give it a go. You can change your mind right up to the last minute. nothings set in stone.

Yeah I think ill sit down with Oh and try to talk with the tv of and ill see my MW
yeah good idea. midwives love home births too so i bet she'll be all for it . She won't let you do it if there is the slightest chance of things going wrong. :)
I have planned to have a home birth :D its a much nicer enviroment to be in and your less likley to use pain relief. I am only aloud gas and air as they don't offer pethadine at my doctors, which im glad about I don't like the idea of having pethadine anyway :|

There's a lot of scare tactics in hospital aswell as getting you to go to hospital! as they want you to have your baby as soon as possible and then move on to the next like a meat market, I don't like the idea of having my first baby in that sort of setting :?
This is my first baby and I just want it to feel just as special as it should do! not just something that has to be done! and you've got to live with it!

That's all I get from people who go into hospital " oh it will be over and done and you can go home and be with your OH and spend quality time with your LO" I want more than that I want my OH and me to enjoy this experience together from beginign to end without all that bloody poking and proding around, shes my baby and shes going to feel just as happy as I am when she welcomed into the world in her own home. :D

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