holiday skin body lotion


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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anyone tried it?

i have tried the johnsons one last niht and today a glowing tan has appeared on my legs :)

i have applied more tonight!

who else has tried it and what sort have you tried? :cheer:
I tried the same one budge and it made me look stupid!
I have really pale skin and I looked like a right pillock!
The Dove one is AMAZING!!! I get the medium to dark one and is brillant. I use it a few times a week, and I always get comments on how well I look!!

I am a fan of fake tan..have used various over the years and I love St Tropez but its so expensive now I am a mummy on maternity leave. The Dove stuff is brill and its buy one get one free at the mo in Superdrug :cheer:
I've tried the Johnsons one and Dove, I like the Dove as it gives a slightly darker colour. I like Johnsons too; just depends whats on offer at the time :wink:
yeah my sister says the dove one was good. but the johnsons was on offer so i got that :lol:

i got the normal to darker skin and it seems to be working nicly soooo far :pray:

i hope i do not look like an umpa lumpa tomorrow! :rotfl:
I found the Johnsons one makes your skin smell "biscuity" like all fake tan things do...but the Dove one doesnt make you smell and it makes your skin soft as a babys bum cheeks :lol:
righteo! ill try that one next! thanks

has anyone else got any experience ?
Ooooh I am off to Superdrug tomorrow then :D

I also like the Clarin's one for face but this is quite expensive. DH used to work for Clarins and I got so many freebies; don't get any freebies with him being a Police Officer now........ except the handcuffs :lol: Ok I am going off topic now.......... Budge :rotfl: at Umpa Lumpa comment :rotfl:
Rubys mummy said:
The Dove one is AMAZING!!! I get the medium to dark one and is brillant. I use it a few times a week, and I always get comments on how well I look!!

I am a fan of fake tan..have used various over the years and I love St Tropez but its so expensive now I am a mummy on maternity leave. The Dove stuff is brill and its buy one get one free at the mo in Superdrug :cheer:

theyve got st tropez sets in tk maxx for £20 i nearly bought one earlier, tried the wipes as my tan is a bit blotchy today typically but theyre rubbish :twisted:
I'm also really pale and tried the johnsons holiday skin one, light to medium, and it just made me orange and in lines everywhere even though i was really careful not to make it streaky. iv given up on fake tans, im just too pale lol
I used to use the Johnsons one, but after a while I hated the smell.........will be off to Superdrug on Monday to invest in the Dove one!

Also, Avon sell a tan corrector for if you ever get a bit too excited with the cream and end up with a 'patch' anywhere....I found this an essential for the bathroom cabinet :wink:

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