hmm what do i do


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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my health visitor said that its now ok to start introduce cows milk to amy diet just on cereals so i started doing that about a week ago coz i was unsure at first to give it too her obv she really likes it but ive got the problem now where she wont drink her cow and gate 6 months milk so im wasting bottles coz she wont drink it so i went out and bought some cows milk and sterilised whole milk and thought well ill give her a 4 oz bottle to see how she copes with it she drank straight off so an hour later she was crying for some more so i give her a seven oz bottle of baby milk and she wont drink it literaly thru the bottle out the cot so i went to ask for advice of one of the girls that work here to see if she could get amy to drink baby milk but she wouldnt she then screamed the whole pub down coz the milk was cows milk as soon as i filled a bottle of warm cows milk she was happy and drinking it i know its recommendnd not to give her cows milk till shes at lest one but im spending 8 quid every few days on milk shes not drinking shes not off her solids its just the milk what do i do? i spoke to the health visitor and she didnt seem to be intrested at all
tbh i'd let her have the cows milk! if she'll drink that then its better than her not drinking milk at all! it is slightly early, but each baby's different! K was on cows milk at 11months-ish! just make sure she's picking up extra iron and stuff from other sources!
i just dint know what to do she loves it i was stressing myself out trying to get her to drink it i know i cant force her to drink baby milk but maybe its her way to say shes ready for it shes also drink about a pint of it and not screaming for more like she did with baby milk she has breakfast then has a bottle an hour after has her dinner at 12 then a bottle at 1 then at 4 she has tea and pudding then has a bottle then thats her till next day shell have a few snacks like a rusk inbetween meals
emma u can get abidec drops to put into cows milk if baby is on cows milk... u only give 0.3 mls a day madison gets it only once a day i put it in her bottle cos its rank!! lol but yeah pharmacist said anyone can have them but a lot of people use them with cows milk if baby comes off formula... theyre only £3 and theres loads in it!! :D xx
ew it smells proper rank abidec! i got it on my hand once and licked it off!! like iron tablets gone wrong!!
yeah its ming altho madison dont mind it in her bottle at all and my mum told me to give it in her milk as thats what they used to do with us... xx
thanks lisa ill remeber that tomorro i read some where babies can self wean off the milk i dunno how far this true thou lol is that stuff to give them iron
does how much you give them is depending on the weight of babies coz i know that the reflux medicine amy was getting was 0.3 and that was depending her weight and goes up when she reached different weight sizes
i think it depends on their age! cant remember really tho! actually, do you get healthy start vouchers? cos you can get free vitamins if you do :thumbup:
0.3 for babies up to 1 or 2 regardless of weight hun :D x

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