

New Member
Sep 26, 2011
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Hi there! Not sure where to start because I have never written on a forum before so hope I am doing it correctly! I am 28 (nearly 29) and hubby is 29. Married in May and since then we have been pretty casual about getting pregnant (not preventing but not really trying to get pregnant either!!) before our marriage we used protection but i've never been on the pill due to migraines but had PCOS as a teenager..

We haven't got pregnant yet which has now started to play on my mind (not so much my hubbies lol) because we do not use protection now and have been doing the deed (sorry TMI!) during my perceived fertile time too (I have been tracking my cycle for a few years) anyway I have bought the Clearblue Fertility monitor (owch pricey!) and have started using this to see if my time of ovulation is what I had thought it was...and well it wasnt LOL!!... so looking forward to going on this journey and speaking to others also going through this journey.

Slightly :)fib: ok massively! ) worried because I have never been pregnant so concerned that maybe I can't get pregnant! Hoping I will get pregnant in the near future with help from the monitor because I am started to symptom spot EVERY month and its driving me slight batty. I would ideally like to be pregnant before I am 30!! Fingers crossed!!!
Anyway I will leave it there...
Good luck to everyone on their journey!!!!
Welcome to the forum, lots of helpful people around here! good luck ttc xx
hi welcome to the forum and i hope you find it of help. the girls on here are really lovely and we are all here to support eachother xxx
Hi Rini and Welcome:wave:
Good luck to you hun, there are lot's of us in the same boat as you and everyone is lovely and gives some brilliant advice.
Have some baby dust!!
Looking forward to read more from your post. See you around.

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