

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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can i come in? i cant believe i have a new home, its the home stretch now! it will fly by wont it, i just know it, well, i am looking forward to getting to know you all, hi to everyone from 2nd Tri.... :wave:
hi hun and welcome. i hope it flys for you but i am finding from week 30 things have been going a bit slow but i think its cus im waiting for the maternity grant for past 4 weeks and i cant decorate bubs room or get any clothes so i feel unprepared.

how has everything been soo far? have you had a good pregnancy?

Welcome to third tri rach! Where's the cakes?

Valentine xxx
valentine said:
Welcome to third tri rach! Where's the cakes?

Valentine xxx

i bloody dropped them, i went to morrisons on my way here and as i was getting out of the car.....i dropped them, all over the driveway! i was right peed off, i had......custard slices, apple turnovers,cream doughnuts and caramel doughnuts........LMAO!!
everythings been good with me Kim, i have had a few niggles and aches and stuff but apart from that its been ok, hows you? hope you get your grant through soon, its a pain when your waiting for people to move there bums innit! when is your due date?
xrachx said:
valentine said:
Welcome to third tri rach! Where's the cakes?

Valentine xxx

i bloody dropped them, i went to morrisons on my way here and as i was getting out of the car.....i dropped them, all over the driveway! i was right peed off, i had......custard slices, apple turnovers,cream doughnuts and caramel doughnuts........LMAO!!

sounds tasty

im due on the 11th and i have had an ok pregnancy so far aswell. gettin quite few aches and pains now the end is near tho. im expecting my grant by next week and i am also going to start finishing off decorating in my house so hopefully i will be too busy to notice the time flying by.

:wave: Welcome to the last trimester.
Lots of 'newbies' to T3 this past week or so so plenty of people to keep you company....praying I get to leave T3 soon now :rotfl:
:wave: hiya and welcome I certainly think the last almost 10 weeks have gone really quickly for me just 3.5 weeks to go or less I hope.
xrachx said:
valentine said:
Welcome to third tri rach! Where's the cakes?

Valentine xxx

i bloody dropped them, i went to morrisons on my way here and as i was getting out of the car.....i dropped them, all over the driveway! i was right peed off, i had......custard slices, apple turnovers,cream doughnuts and caramel doughnuts........LMAO!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Welcome :) x :wave:
thanx for the warm welcome everyone, i must admit i was a bit nervous coming over here, i just got used to everyone on 2nd tri and was a bit worried, well how silly was i, you are all lovely and i cant wait to get to know you all properly.x
now you're in tri 3, you'll be checking the 'new arrivals' section faster than you expected, as gradually people you've been getting to know disapppear for a couple of days and have their baby's!

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