Hiya! Im back from Scotland - a few wedding pics included.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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We had a wonderful day in Gretna. The weather was lovely, it rained the whole of the night before. We were worried because the forecast for the morning was awful but it stopped raining and bright sunshine appeared before i left for the church and it stayed lovely if not a little cold for the rest of the day.

I know that some of you watched online :) Im really happy that you could share our day with us!

Here's just a couple of pics.


me and my hubby!

The three of us
awww, lovely pics!! glad you had a great day hun.

congrats MRS! :hug:
your dress is beautiful!!!
Glad you had a good day and the weather was nice for you. Congrats on being a Mrs :cheer: :cheer:
congratulations - you look absolutely STUNNING hon!! thea looks so much like you!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Hiya Mel and congrats on being a missis!!

I perved in on every single minute of your wedding and it looked lovely and very blue :lol:

But you all look great - you and Thea especially looked beautiful!

In fact my whole family peeked in and watched you getti ng married - i was around my mil and she come in and wandered what i was doing!
omygosh melanie u look absolutely breathtaking! congratulations :hug:
:cheer: congratulations to you and your HUBBY!

You look beautiful and you all look very happy :D
Huge Congratulations!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
You look stunning, your dress is beautiful :hug:
you look beautiful and thea looks like a wee princess :)

i caught a couple of the snapshots on the website, the ceremony looked gorgeous!! xx
Hey hun,

Firsty HUGE congrats to you and Richard!

I watched it online and was sat bubbling - you all looked gorgeous!!

Hope you enjoyed your time in Scotland :)
Congrats to the both of you!!!! :hug:

I watched it online with my 11yo son (and even the OH had to keep walking past and taking sneeky peeks while pretending he needed something off the comp table :rotfl: )

You all looked gorgeous and I blubbered too!!!

Wishing you many happy years ahead as 'Mr & Mrs'

Sarah xxx
Congratulations! You were as beautiful a bride as I knew you would be :hug: :D

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