

Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Ok, so OH was feeling baby kick last night and was like, thats rather rythmic....
So then i FREAKED out totally, as i've been having weird movement the last few weeks, like a vibrating belly, no joke, its been like she was having some fit inside me, so i was like, ok i could call the MW in the morning and ask, what would cause my baby to kick over and over for like 5mins rythmically?????

DUH.....so i thought then, she'll tell me hiccups, and i hadnt even throught of that before freaking out.
Who else has been feeling LO's hiccuping?
It's funny but freaky when they do that. Becky still hiccups now that she's out, same rhythm! :rotfl:
:lol: i started around our stage feeling baby hiccup and i wasn't too sure what it was at first, then i thought it was really cute.. until i used to get woken up at 4am with him having them :roll: x
when Rocky gets hiccups now it involves his head hitting my cervix over and over and over again, i'd be happy if he stopped getting them!

I don't like it when my Lo gets hiccups..sometimes it happens about 3 times a day. It makes me feel a bit :puke:
My little one is foever hiccuping.
I sometimes wonder what shes up to in there lol.
I'm not too keen on hiccups, mainly cos she doesnt seem to like them, she wriggles at the same time as if she's uncomfortable!
She usually has them a few times a day and usually at night.

It is very wierd but at least it lets me know shes in there and ok lol
I can feel hiccups at least a few times a day for about 3/4 mins at a time. I didnt realise what it was at first and originally i thought it was her heartbeat :wall: how stupid of me i dont know why i would think her heart would beat like that but thats what i first thought as it was weird.
I also wondered if there was something wrong with her as when it first started she was hiccuping like every hour for ages and my tummy looked like it was pulsing all the time. :hug:
yep mine gets hiccups all of the time
When did you all feel hiccups for the first time as I'm yet to feel any.
Hazel said:
When did you all feel hiccups for the first time as I'm yet to feel any.

You may just not be noticing them, for ages i thought Tally's hicups were a vein pulsing or something like that, they were quite gentle and i thought she was just squishing it and i was feeling it pulsing.
Sometimes even now they're stil only noticable if i stop and "feel" for them.
I think baby does them a lot from 20 something weeks, but last week was the first time i noticed them!
I've sat down since writing that and had a feel but she wriggles around pretty much constantly so don't think I can tell the difference :lol: . Maybe she's just in the wrong position :think: .

Mine is hiccuping right now!!! Seems to be getting them more and more - I think it's really sweet. My first had hiccups very early - from about 20 weeks (can remember asking the mw what on earth was going on and she said that's what it was!!!)

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