
Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Just wanted to say hi, my internet at home has died :cry: until thursday we have no internet, so im at a library where it takes about 3 mins to load each page lol, im so bored haha, missing my forum fix though :d

gutted i am, and i have a scan pic or two for you al as well :D

hope your all well and happy :D

Missing you, also, Thanks for the PM's to the three lovely ladies that sent them :D when i get my internet back i'll reply, promise

Romi me and shaun are fine, Piglet is superfine, we had our first scan yesterday, waited so long to see him/her that now it has happened it's fantastic :D we also got told the sex, but they can only be 58% accurate so we find out next time, but we're not sure if we want to know or not still PMSL, anyways, love you all, must go

MWAH x Chel-C and (rashless :D ) Romi x
Aargh i'm lost when i've no internet, hope you get back online soon.

Glad to hear Romi is ok :D
I don't know what i'd do without the net! It was off for a few hours yesterday whilst we were decorating and even though i didn't want to use it i still felt lost!
Hope you get it back soon hun! xx
Congrats on your scan hun :dance:
looking forward to seeing the pics of your bubba. :angel:
you our already hooked to the site oh dear.
but if my computer crashed i think id have a panic attack and suffer withdrawl symptoms
how can i survive with out my forum girlies the thought is just to much :rotfl: :rotfl:
see you back hear soon
Lol Sarah :hug:
WOOHOOO do little dnce, oh yeh! im bck! oh yeh haha!:dance:

:shock: does this mean i have an addiction? it just bck on, literally,mnnn 4 minutes ago and im already on here haha, i got told the interent was on, did i check emais nope, msn nope, work sites nope, PF -YES!!!! haha

glad to see everyone is ok and i havent missed anything,

MWAH to you all, Chel-C x

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