Hi Ladies


May 24, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Well I'm new to this forum, I'm currently 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I have a little boy who is 3 atm.

I suppose I'm a little nervous, I have a scan on Wednesday at half past eleven, my pregnancy symptoms have completely dissapeared and I'm worried this may mean something is wrong, I've had 2 miscarriages before, one before and one after my son.

I've been on other forums and dont feel as though I can post my concerns as I get the "speak to your doctor" reply, and in some cases no replies and no reassurance. I feel like a pest and as though I'm bothering people with my concerns.

I've spoke to EPU as I say I have the scan on wednesday which is good because at least I'll know within two days. I suppose I just want to know now, or some reassurance that this happens to people and theres a chance my baby is ok.

Sorry my first post is me just having a moan, I suppose I'm just scared.
:wave: Hi and welcome to the forum! I found everyone on this site being so supportive. Good luck for your scan.
Welcome to the forum Hun!!
I've m/c before at 6 weeks so every little twitch or niggle with this pregnancy I worry! I've had symptoms go for afew days then return again. I know it's hard not to worry but I'm sure everythings ok and goodluck with your scan x x x
Welcome to the forum and good luck with the scan hun xxx
Hi...welcome to the forum. Try not to worry. Fx everythins ok xxxx
hi and welcome every one is really nice on here. good luck for ur scan xxx
Good luck for your scan, hope it all goes really well. My symptoms have been coming and going the whole way through my pregnancy so try not to worry too much - I know that's easier said than done though! xxx
Hiya :)
Hope everything goes ok at your scan xx

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