Hi i'm Natalie.


Active Member
May 19, 2006
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Hi all, hope your all ok, just thought i'd introduce myself. Well i'm 23 years old, i live with my fiance Steve and were expecting our first baby on 10/10/06. It was a massive shock to find out that we were expecting and i cried for 3 days solid. :cry: I can now actually say that i'm quite excited but do not like being pregnant whatsoever. I have my 20wk scan on monday and do hope to be carrying a boy to which we have chosen the name Blake, and Maisey for a girl. Thanks for reading. x :dance:
Hi hun welcome to the preggy forum :D Congratulations on being PG and its great to see al these new mums and mums to be and people ttc coming onto the forum.

Goodluck and all the best for the future

Jean xx
hi welcome and congratilations. Beautiful names you have chosen :dance:
welcome and congratulations hope all goes well with your scan on monday names are fab xxx
hello and....WELCOME!!! :dance: :dance:
I love the names you have picked!! :D :D
Hi welcome,

Althought I wanted a baby i didn't enjoy being preggars either, sadly so I know how you feel.

Speak to you soon !!

Hi hun welcome to the forum, what is it you dont like about being pregnant? Or dare I ask lol. Congrats im glad your excited now xxx
Hiya Natalie

Congratulations on your pregnancy and
to the forum!

Hope your scan goes well on Monday! - Let us know how you get on.
Congrats Natalie! Those are lovely names you've chosen, i keep changing my mind first i liked Ben & Amy, now i'm liking Logan, ah well plenty of time to chose yet i guess!!

well hello all, thank you for the great warm welcome, it was very much appreciated. I had my scan on monday and baby is great all ok, and he kicked for England LOL. I'm so glad i'm having a boy. We have chosen the name already and he will be called Blake Devon Mason Evans-Duce. Hope everything ok with you all, looking forward to all the chit-chat. Love Natalie and Blake. x :lol:
Welcome welcome welcome!

I'm the same finally getting used to being preggers and only thirty weeks gone so didn't take long! I always said I would adopt as the thought of something wriggling inside me totally freaked me out! I have to say you def grow more maternal and more possesive over your bump as it grows, the only thing that I hate is the feeling of babba turning especially as its getting more and more cramped in there that's one thing I will never get used to! Kicks - yeeeeeah, turning - boo!

Congrats hun and good luck!
Hi Natalie,


Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and let's hope it goes fast and the pregnancy get's better for you so you can enjoy it more than you are now :pray:

Tam x

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