Hi Girls. I'm new and i am quite worried....................


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi Girls

I'm new to first tri, got my BFP last fri and we are the happiest couple in the world.

I have a slight worry though and the more i search the net the more its making me worried.

I'm having sharp shooting pains around my stomach area, not just in one side, all over. They kind of feel a bit like the pains you get if you have trapped wind (omg sorry if thats tmi :oops: )
Also i have the feeling that you get when AF is about to arrive.

Has anyone else experienced this?
I'm a real worrier so this isn't helping me at all.

Thank you :hug:
Hi there

Iv been having the same feelings and they are perfectly normal.
I thinks its just your body adjusting to having a wee person in there!
I know its difficult, but try not to worry too much!
Congrats!! :hug:
Try and relax ( i know its hard) im sure its just your body ajusting to everything going on inside you, Take care of yoursalf and if its really worrying you see if you can see a Midwife/GP???

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It's totally normal I posted on here lots and lots about the same thing.
Usually it turns out to be trapped wind or stretching pains.

I've had trapped wind so bad sometimes that I have really freaked out.

If you really get worried though don't hesitate to contact your MW or GP.
You'll find that you will experience uterus pains quite often but it's just stretching and growing to accommodate your baby! Also you produce a hormone called relaxin when you're pregnant which softens your ligaments and joints (in preparation for pushing baby thru pelvis!) and you can hurt yourself much more easily if you're not careful.
Sounds familiar :) Try not to worry as others have said. Some major changes are going on in there atm. Streching pains are normal.

During the first trimester your body does so much work for the baby until the placenta takes over that it can be exhausting trying to keep up with it.

I also suffered from constipation (it can be a joy of first tri :wink: ) during first tri and got lots of those sharp pains because of that also. But both pains were what I considered 'normal' because of what was going on with my body.
Yeah each Trimester has its "issues" lol! Wait till you get to late Tri 3!
Thank you so much, its so nice to be reassured by other people who are going or have gone through the same thing.

I had a few tears of relief. Ah the hormones are just wonderful at the moment lol :lol:

They are all pretty much normal and will continue no doubt through to the 2nd trimester. I still suffer now :D

Oh, congrats!!! :D
Hi, Congratulations! :D

Yes, as everyone else has already said, they sound pretty normal.

I've been really uncomfortable - aching everywhere and at about week 6 kept getting stitches in my lungs which was quite horrid - nearly went to the doc and then they disappeared. I believe everything inside gets moved around/ squashed up to accommodate the growing baby.

Wind/ constipation can also cause quite severe pain - have had that too!

All the best :hug:
Hiya, just joining the club to reassure you that it is all pretty much normal :) spoke to MW about it and its just stetching pains and bloating, which has already been said, can be really painful.

food is also been digested more slowly in your system (summit to do with hormones i think) and you might be a bit constipated too.

try to relax, its taking me a bit of getting used-to as well :roll:


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