Hi Everybody


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
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Hi Everybody,

My name is Grace and i'm 29 years old. I have been with my hubby for 4 years and got married in may last year, he is also 29.

We have sort of been ttc for about 2 years, just letting nature take its course as they say but to no avail. I came off the injection about 3 years ago and had a terriable time with my periods, its only been the past 6 months that my cycle has been reasonably spot on each month. So have now decided that we are going to start trying properly and i have just ordered lots of Ov kits, preg testers and a temp thingie to get us started. Although i've been thinking i could be this month as i'm getting a few symptons, like feeling sick, headaches, boobies feeling fuller but its probably my imagination running wild, AF is due on 11th so i'll know soon enough. :pray:

Hopefully i'll be able to get lots of advice and support from you lot, you all seem a great bunch.

Thanks for listening, good luck to all of you,

Grace :D
Hiya and welcome!

Fingers crossed this month is your month!
Hiya :wave:

Welcome to the forum, it is a great bunch of people in here and the forum is full of information.

Good luck with TTC and hoping you get a BFP soon enough :pray:

Laura xx
Hi hun welcome to the forum :wave:

We are all here to help with anything you need us to and we give great advice.

Take care and hope you get a BFP soon :hug: :hug:
Hi Grace,

My name's michelle. I'm 27 and i also got married last may.
Have been ttc for a year now.

Lots of luck. Hope ur succesful soon.

michelle x
hiya and welcome to the forum, good luck TTC!!!!
hi Grace and welcome to the forum :wave:

sorry its a bit late like...!!

i am quite new here too and the people on here make you feel so warm and welcome - i cant keep away!!!!! :hug:

hope you get you BFP soon, im sure you will :pray:

take care and im sure we will speak soon xxxxx :hug:
Hiya Grace welcome to the site and best of luck with ttc.
Hi Grace - welcome to the forum!!! GOOD LUCK with TTC :pray: :dance:
Thanks everyone for your warm replys.

Good luck to all those TTC and those who already have i hope you have a trouble free pregnancy. sending lots 'n' lots of baby dust to everyone.
Hi Grace and Welcome to the forum.

I hope you get the news you are waiting for!! AF due tomorrow!!
Thanks Bubbleone,

I might test in the morning if no af. My body is giving me mixed messages at the moment, this morning i'm have the feeling that af was on its way, but this afternoon nothing but a heavy feeling like my bladder is full, but then hardly anything comes out, sorry if TMI. I've been the toilet about 5 times in 4 hours. I've still got really sore boobs and i feel constantly hungry. I don't know what to think anymore. :wall:

Never mind, when af comes i can start charting.

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