Hi all :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Hi everyone. I'm Tracey and i'm new to the site. i've been ttc for the last 5 months but to no avail :shakehead:. look foreward to getting to know everyone and having people to talk to because my poor hubby is driven mad :roll:.

can't wait to get to know you all.

Tracey xx
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Hi hunny :wave:
Welcome to pf.

Sending you Lots of luck and babydust for your ttc journey :dust::dust::dust::dust: x x

Hey Tracey :wave:

Welcome to PF :)

All the girls are great on here, always someone to offer advice or someone to chat to, prepare to become addicted :lol:

I wish you lots of luck in your TTC journey & hope it's only a short stay :clover:

thanks ladies,

you wouldn't believe how much it helps to know there are other women out there going through it too. im 10dpo at the moment so another 4 days to go...praying for a :bfp:

fingers crossed. :dance:
Ooooooo your in the last part of your :2ww:

Any symptoms?

nope.:shakehead: do itchy nipples count :eh:??? thats about the only weird thing going on. last month i read into everything and i think i imagined half of it... ha ha ha
Mmmmmm.....itchiness is a symptom hun & quite a good one to :clover:

Trouble is we are all so different & every pregnancy can be different to & same with the symptoms each cycle.....it's enough to send you mad!!

Are you charting anything at all throughout your cycles?

im charting my cm kezza , but weather it is reliable or not, i don't know, it's sooo complicated isn't it. your told at school, "don't have sex coz you'll get pregnant".... ha ha NOT THAT EASY.

my cycle is alway 28 days, except last month it was 33...got my hopes up when i missed because i never miss...... but got a :bfn:

i'm not sure how bbt works but would love to know!! hint hint!!!

i'm feeling very warm too, but i think it's too early to be a sign. :lol:
Yeah CM can be a lil u helpful at times, mine was perfect for early pregnancy & was 9 days late but BAM the :witch: got me

Oh school sex ed is a joke..... Stand next to a pair of trousers & you get pregnant....pfft!!! I didn't know any of what I know now until I came on here, even down to having a tiny window to actually be able to conceive

Increased temperature is a good sign as well hun & I know with BBT you have to take your temp first thing in the morning when you wake up before doing anything, basically after hours of interrupted sleep & think it increases when you OV then drops slightly & will increase again & if pregnant continue to increase but if not pregnant will drop couple days before I think, don't quote me on it & there's a couple of girls on here tinkerbell & scotchegg who use BBT & probably know a bit more

thanks hun, i'm sure i'll learn more as i go on....
its just soooo frustrating, but i'm sure we will all get there in the end :). it's all just a bug waiting game. x x
thanks hun, i'm sure i'll learn more as i go on....
its just soooo frustrating, but i'm sure we will all get there in the end :). it's all just a bug waiting game. x x

Oh defo hun, I've been on here since Nov 2010 & learnt so much & made lots of friends, thats the best bit

Hiya, welcome to the board. I'm Danni, aged 32, married to DH (also 32) for 6.5 years (together for 12.5). We have one lovely son who will be 5 in a couple of weeks and we have been ttc baby no 2 since Nov 2010.

Wishing you lots of luck for testing in a few days xxx

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