Hey :) New.. Long story..


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2008
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Well i'm beth and im 20 years old, and currently in my second year at uni, nearly finishing it. And i was on the contraceptive pill since i was 17, but today i did a pregnancy test and i am indeed pregnant.. Well, thats a bit of a lie, i did 8 tests LOL but the general conclusion is that im pregnant..

I'm so worried. I went out about 4 times in the last two weeks drinking quite heavily (not like me) and i took a laxative about 4 days ago :eek: i feel SO worried. this is possibly the wrse month ever to be pregnant. I'm feeling really guilty. And i have no idea how far along i am. my last "period" was 19th April, but obviously i have no idea when i ovulated. Luckily im in a steady relationship with my boyfriend, and we've been together for a year.

What a horrid time though, im in the middle of exams andjust can't concentrate :( and i cant tell my parents for a little while because its my mums birthday this monday and shes going away with my dad for a week, and i dont want her to worrying about me the whole time so i'll wait for her to come home. Sigh. I think baby will probably be born at the end of January, or beginig of Feb, so what do i do? I really wanna finish my degree.. is it do-able?

Thanks girls
Hi Beth :wave:

Welcome to the forum. Try not to worry about the drinking and the laxative - what is done is done. There are millions of women who take risks when they are pregnant (even when they know they are) who go on to have healthy babies.

I know uni can be stressful at the best of times, especially when you have exams. Just try to tell yourself that worrying will not help the situation (easier said than done) and you will find lots of support on here.

As for continuing Uni, I really hope that you can. I suppose it depends on your support network and finances?

Do you have people who you can chat with about it? Have you told your boyfriend?

I hope you are OK :hug: x x x
Hey :wave:

It sounds as though you are about 4 weeks pregnant, but it could have been an implantation bleed or something. You will know for sure at your 12 week scan as they're pretty accurate! Congratulations! :cheer:

This is my first baby too and I'm 20 :) I'm not with the father, he left 2 weeks after we found out, he moved away and I haven't seen or spoken to him since.

There are lots of women on here who were at uni etc and managed to complete their course with a LO in tow :D So I'm sure it is do-able! I would just check with your Uni people (I don't know what they're called sorry :oops: ) and get some info from them as you could be entitled to some help.

I wouldn't worry about the drinking etc... I got absolutely wrecked at my xmas party when I was 6 weeks pregnant (I didn't know at the time!) and I felt so guilty.

So many women drink a lot and then find out they're pregnant. There is no indication that this will cause any harm to the baby (obviously now you know you're pregnant, don't drink any more lol).

Good luck and congrats again! :hug: xx
hiya congrats and welcome, with regards to going out etc alot of women do it and don't realise their pregnant as long as your careful etc now and take folic acid you should be fine however i'm not a doctor so i wouldn't know for sure might be woth speakuing to your doctor. With regards to studding it shouldn't affect it except when you have the baby you probaly will have to take a few weeks time out to have it and find childcare when you go back, i'm a single mother (have been for 6 years but in a month i won't be a single motehr) and i have done a few courses while having 2 hcildren my only problem i had was childcare but there are loads of childminders out there
anyway congrats again
Anna xx
Hi, our pregnancy wasn't planned so I know what a huge shock it is and how difficult getting your head around it all can be! :hug:
When I found out I was pregnant my DH went mad and wanted me to get rid of it and I thought I was going to end up homeless, jobless and on my own it was a very scary time but I knew the only option for me was to keep it, once my DH had gotten over the shock he calmed down it took awhile but we are now both really excited about our little girl and can't wait to meet her some of the practical stuff, mainly money, still worries us but we'll get there somehow.

I am not trying to influence your decission just telling you my situation so you can see even if it looks bleak at first it can turn out to be a possitive thing, I don't know if keeping the baby is even in question for you but if abortion is something you are considering, take your time wait til you have had chance to talk to your parents and to really talk with you OH and make sure whatever decission you make is what you both want.

I get the impression by your worry for you baby that you are wanting to keep the baby, on the health side to put your mind at rest perhaps book and appointment with your gp, but I was in early pregnancy over xmas without knowing so drank a fair bit but all my scans have shown baby is doing well I haven't drank at all since finding out but I think its quite common for people to drink in very early stages when they arnt aware they are pregnant and then go on to have healthy babies you can't change that now so I wouldn't worry about it too much, I don't know if the laxative would be a problem at all best to ask your gp.
As for finishing your degree how many years have you got left? Might it be possible to finish this year then take a year out and finish it the year after I am sure as a student you would get help with childcare etc I know there are people on here at uni or in education still who could advise you beter.
I am sorry that this has all happened at such a bad time in the middle of your exams the best thing would be to put this out of your mind just whilst you do your exams and focus on doing well to make a future for you and baby but that is much easier said then done it is no wonder you are struggling to concentrate! I hope things work out well for you keep us updated!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank you all for your replies.. Well i definitely want to keep the baby, i know that for sure. Its just such a shock! I have told my boyfriend, but he's also doing his exams at the moment and really can't think straight. He isn't totally against the idea, i just think he's shocked. I have period pains in my stomach as well, should i be worried? My main issue regarding the university situation is that i go to leicester university, but i live in south wales. My parents are extremely supportive of me and i have no doubt that they will eventually come round to this pregnancy. If i went to uni at home it would have been so much easier for me to finish my degree. Sigh. Well if baby is born in january or feb then i only have about 3 months of uni left. I think i can do it. I have support. I have about 5000£ savings and i intend to work full time this summer, so i think i'm alright financially. And i have a new car that my parents bought me for my birthday, so i should be ok. Gosh. Sorry for the gapless message, i'm writing this on my phone on the train! X x
:hug: Hi Beth :wave:

You sound like you have your head switched on and you seem very sensible, there is no doubt in my mind that you will be able to continue with uni.

I would say you were about 4 weeks also, the first day of my last period was the 16th and I have only just turned 4 weeks, due Jan23

I was the same age as you when I was pregnant with my first child and she wasn't planned, but i never looked back and regretted it, it was the best thing I ever did in m life.

If you feel you want this baby then I hope you have all the support you need, you will certainly get it here!

Hiya and welcome, :wave:

Congratulations, I just wanted to answer your question about period pains. They are perfectly normal in early pregnancy. Its your uterus stretching to give room for a growing baby. :D

Also, its very important to start taking your folic acid. Take care and this is a great forum for support and advice so if you have any more questions ask away. :D
Welcome to the forum and congratulations :cheer:
Don't worry about the drinking. I went out clubbing at what i think was 3/4 weeks pregnant (obviously i didn't have a clue i was pregnant and actually felt like my period was on its way!) I got really drunk and was on the dancefloor all night (i was a bit wild that night!) I also felt awful when i realised but our baby is fine. Don't panic, i'm sure everything is fine with your LO. There shouldn't be any reason why you can't carry on at uni, it might be a bit hard going for a while but i'm sure its do - able.
again congratulations and welcome :hug:
lauranjamesnbaby said:
Don't worry about the drinking. I went out clubbing at what i think was 3/4 weeks pregnant (obviously i didn't have a clue i was pregnant and actually felt like my period was on its way!) I got really drunk and was on the dancefloor all night (i was a bit wild that night!)

DITTO!!!!! :roll: :lol:

Congrats Beth hun btw, welcome to the forum, its a great place for advice! :hug:
You sound like you're thinking quite straight. Well done! And congratulations!

I would definately make an appointment to talk things through with your personal tutor (I was at Leicester Uni too quite a few years ago!) and they will help you to make decisions. You might be able to defer or to change your course and finish it nearer home? Exams might be tough over the next few weeks when the exhaustion and possible morning sickness kicks in, so make sure the uni know because they may be able to take it into consideration when marking or when you do the exams. You will need a letter from your dr first though. I had glandular fever when I did my finals and so got extra time and got to do my exams in a special little room with less people. You might need this if you get sickness!!

As for the period pains...yep, totally normal. I've been getting them since I found out and still do (9wk3d) - I still worry, it's only natural but have been advised (on this forum!) not to worry unless the pain is so bad I am doubled up. And if so to call the doc for advice, rather than panic.

Good luck. I'm sure things will be fine. :hug:
Hi! :wave:
Welcome to tri 1 and congrats!! :D
Try not to worry to much about things! Im a strong believer that thinks happen for a reason and everything always works out ok in the end! (yep I know Im an opitmist :D)
Aw thank you so much everyone :hug:

I feel a lot more confident now.. I've emailed my tutor, and she seems to think i can sit my exam in a seperate room, yay! I'm still so shocked, and im slightly annoyed at my contracpetive pill (microgynon 30).

It was so hard spending the day with my parents today and not telling them.. im definitely gonna wait until they get back, not gonna ruin their holiday..

But for now, im gonna get myself one of those call things you all have in your signatures!!
Beth88 said:
I'm still so shocked, and im slightly annoyed at my contracpetive pill (microgynon 30).

That was the pill I was on!! :shock: lol!! NOT RECOMMENDED LADIES!!

Mind you, I was on antibiotics at the time :lol: xx
dannii87 said:
Beth88 said:
I'm still so shocked, and im slightly annoyed at my contracpetive pill (microgynon 30).

That was the pill I was on!! :shock: lol!! NOT RECOMMENDED LADIES!!

Mind you, I was on antibiotics at the time :lol: xx

Waaaa!!! its a trap.. hehe well i wasnt on antibiotics.. im not sure how it happened, ive been taking it since i was 17!!
:shock: I know of at least four people who got pg on microgynon 30!! And two had no anti-bs involved! Scary!

I was on it for 8 years and got away with it thank god 8)
Hi, a freind of mine was reading English at Cambridge when she found out she was pregnant at the end of her second year (she was married with 2 older children). She then went on to complete her final year even though she gave birth half way through! So it can be done.

I completed my degree as a single parent with a young child and a part time job, so it's just a matter of juggling!

Good luck in whatever you decide to do! :D
Hi! i'm new here too :wave: just to say congratulations and i'm sure it'll all work out just lovely in the end!! :)
:wave: Just wanted to say hi and congrats on your pregnancy x

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