Hey ladies!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey ladies,
First of all i just want to say congratulations to you all with your pregnancies
I hope you dont mind me posting in here. I have been ttc for just over a year now and i have just invested in a cbfm and it is my first cycle using it, i am on day 10 and had high fertility from day 6. Just wondered how many people have been sucessfull when using one?
Also just wondering what supplements you used or if you have any other tips for the ttc's. Basically what did it for you? lol Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. xx
Hey hun,

sorry I probably wont be much use, I'm one of those annoying people who fell pregnant in the first month but I did it though a donor and artificial insemination. I used cheap OPK's from ebay and the only supplements I was taking was folic acid.

Hope someone else can help you!

Good luck with TTC hope you get your BFP soon!

x x x x
did u really pinky?

Im not much help either the only thing i would suggest is to maybe not put as much pressure on u and ur OH,we had a MC then frantically tried and nothing untill we had an eptopic last year i had surgery and me and my OH agreed to stop trying and what would be would be then the month after surgery and prob the first time we actually got busy that was it x
did u really pinky?

Im not much help either the only thing i would suggest is to maybe not put as much pressure on u and ur OH,we had a MC then frantically tried and nothing untill we had an eptopic last year i had surgery and me and my OH agreed to stop trying and what would be would be then the month after surgery and prob the first time we actually got busy that was it x

I did indeed hun

aw thanks ever so much for the replys. Ive heard alot about pre-seed so might try that but not sure yet. I hope everything goes well with your pregnancies. thanks again. xxx
I used the cbfm for 2 months the first I didn't ov, and was high from day 6 so I never took it seriously when it said high. Next month I ov on day 20 and had loads of high days before that, when it read peak I bd using pre seed and then again the next day. 12 days later bfp!! was the first time I ov since coming off the pill :)
I highly recommend cbfm to anyone ttc, just don't take the high days too seriously. I found I had way too many of them, just bd at peak :) :)

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Hey thanks for the reply. Well like i say im on day 11 of my first cycle using it and since day 6 i have had highs but noth looking into it too much. So when did you bd? we tend to bd every night which i know has to stop. people say every other day? do you have any views on this. x
Peak was on thur and fri and we bd pm the tues, thur and fri and not really much else that month!
Good luck with the ttc :)

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I didnt use OPK'S or anything like that, but just BD'd as much as possible - every day leading up to ov, then twice on ov day, then two days past ov. I then got my bpf 2 months after coming off the pill (so only one 'real' cycle since coming off the pill), and it was good, coz we could say we had tried everything we could, and could do no more! We were still quite relaxed about it though.

Good luck and all the baby dust in the world to you xxx
sorry i cant help either but hope that it works for you, i didn'd bd that much to be honest when i caught, with 5 kids you just dont have the time or are shattered, we actually only bd once the month i got caught and it was a week before i ovulated so i thought as i got ovulation pains day 13 which was when i usually ovulate thought i was safe and i had only just stopped breastfeeding so doubly thought i was safe cause hadn;t felt ovulation pains for the previous 6 months.
i have heard good things about pre seed though from forums i have been on before.
Thanks ever so much for all the tips, im sure i'll get there in the end.... well i hope lol. im just trying to stay as positive as possible. xx

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