hey ladies..good to be back, still reallly worried though!!! :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Hey everyone,

i am nearly 17 weeks pregnant, been putting off coming back on here as i had 2 MC earlier this year and through out this pregnancy i've been a nervous wreck. I am just constantly worried so thought i would come back on for a little support :) i had scan at 14 weeks and everything was fine, baby was growing well, heard LO heartbeat last week at midwife app but yet everyday i cant help feeling really concerned...ive had a lot of stomach pains but midwife says this is normal. also quite a few people have said to me i should have felt movement and have a bigger bump by this stage :confused: i just dont know what to think. I dont want to keep annoying my midwife so every reply would be very much appreciated :) oh 1 other thing lol is it normal to still feel constantly tired at this stage?? my mum tells me its not.

Thanks ladies ( sorry for such a long post)
I'm sorry to hear about the mc's :( xx

I wouldn't worry about movement and size! I didn't feel anything until 18 weeks or so. No flutters or anything, just straight onto the kicks! And I only told my work I was pregnant at 20/21 weeks and everyone was shocked! (fyi I'm about a size 12-14 so its not like it was hidden under fat or anything lol) I have since popped but that bump was easily hidden up to that point!

I'm tired ALL the time, but to be fair I generally have low energy levels and sleep 10+ hours where I can, even before I was pregnant lol.

Oh and just recently I have had tummy pains but I am putting this down to stretching and baby making itself comfortable!

Good luck with it all. It's hard not to worry, I myself went down to a&e cos I hadn't felt baby move for a day. An overreaction in hindsight but can't be helped! Soon you will feel baby kicking away and it'll be so comforting! :) xxx
Hi Hun sorry your feeling this way but can totally understand where you are coming from!
I'm always worried too I think a lit of it I'd the unknown as this is my first. Just remember every pg in different and every person carries differently. I think you need to tell people to keep their unhelpful opinions to themselves.
If your mw isn't worried then don't stress about it, they are the ones will tell you if it's time to worry.
Regarding movement I was about 18 weeks and kicks were very soon after but in your 20 week scan they will check your placenta if it's at the front (nothing to worry about) you may not feel kicks till later x x
Welcome back - u came to the right place for support :)

Regarding movement - some ladies dont feel anythin until they r between 18-22 weeks, and when u have ur 20 week scan they may tell u u have an anterior placenta. It's nothing to worry about, it just means ur placenta is at te front of ur uterus and baby hasto kick though that before u feel it. Ladies have described it as having a pillow between u and baby so it muffles movement.

Regarding size - everyone is different. I've had a bump since about 9 weeks (mostly bloat to begin with!!) but some ladies don't show until later. This can be for all sorts of reasons - baby could be lying more at the back of ur womb which would make r bump smaller, or u could just have tight stomach mucscles that r stopping the bump from showing. U will wake up one morning with a huge bump and wonder where it came from!!

I'm nearly 27 weeks and as far as I can remember I have been tired the whole way through.

As sue has said, each pg is different. Try to relax and enjoy being pg with this special lo, they have chosen u to be their mummy so cherish that, rather than thinkin it's all gonna go wrong. I know it's difficult given ur previous mc's, but stressing all the time is not good for either of u.

Make sure u keep comin back here Hun for support. As u already know, we r all lovely :D

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Hey hun, I'm a week further on than you and still very very tired, perfectly normal and just about felt a tiny bit of movement this week, so try not to worry :)
Hi just to let u know I didn't feel any kind Of movement until I was about 21weeks with my little boy x so don't worry huni xxx
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:wave: Sorry to hear about your 2 ealier MC :hug:

I never felt my daughter move until i was around 24 weeks i think, at my 20 week scan they asked me about movement and since she was my first i pooped myself at the thought i should of felt her but they said it was nothing to worry about and later found out my placenta was at the front so feeling the movement was reduced even at my later stages :roll:
i wouldnt worry as baby is still small and when your LO is ready im sure they'll give you some good prods and pokes :)

With my first i had sickness until i was 20 weeks and was tired up until i was around 30 weeks if not later, i had NO ENERGY!
I was told it wasnt normal to but everyone is different and our bodies react differently. I am exhausted this time around but i expect that with having a 15 month old aswell as being pregnant but i have been told to take iron tablets to give me a boost. Maybe you could ask your midwife if they could help you??

Midwifes are there for us to ask all our questions to even if they seem minor its good to know you and baby are doing ok and if it puts your mind at rest then i wouldnt care what she says.

The pains in your tummy are probably stretching pains, baby is starting to grow now so needs more room, i wouldn't worry; you might get the odd twinge through out BUT if you are concerned ask your MW.

I can totally udnerstand why you are still nervous in this pregnancy with what you have gone through but like you say baby is ok, you have heard your LO's HB and know he/she is fine in there.

If it puts you at ease ask us lot your questions that you don't want to ask your MW, im sure at least one of us know the answer and if we don't its because only your MW will :)
Thanks for your support ladies, it has made me feel a lot more confident about everything. Think maybe I just worry too much x

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