Hey, Im new, with some questions!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Hey all. Hows things? My names Ryan, im 18 and im from Wales!!

Ive just been reading around here and it seems really cool, alot of caring people around.

I just wanted to ask a few things, and maybe get some advice.

Soon we shall find out if my Girlfriend is pregnant. Im hoping the end of this week. I dont really think it makes a difference, but she is 18 too. We share the same birthday! Hehe.

Anyways, about the pregnancy thing. If it turns out positive, then we will go through with it because in all honesty, we dont believe in abortions. We did talk about it, but it was her decision and im behind her all the way.

Now, if it was positive. How would I break it to my parents etc? Im fine with my Mum I think as I can tell her anything. Its just mainly my Dad and his side of the family im more worried about. I dont know, im just scared of what they will think of me. But I really do have a great family.

Something else that has been on my mind alot, even though we are not even sure if she is pregnant, is it still ok to be going out drinking?

All in all, I want the best whatever happens.

Thanks guys, im going to have a read around.

Hey... welcome!!

Well, I hope you get the answer you want at the end of the week! It'll always be hard to break news like this to our parents... no matter how understanding they might be. They might be disappointed initially, but it will pass... they just want what's best for you! Your family sounds supportive and although you're worried about they might say/think.... you'll have to just keep schtum and prove yourself ... if you know what I mean. What's done is done ... you've got to go from boy to man now ... you sound level headed which is great! :D

As for drinking.... your GF will have to quit NOW! Stick by her side and quit yourself.. :wink:

Anyway - I wish you and your GF good luck! Just remember that silly saying.... "Dynamite comes in small packages" :rotfl:

Emilia xx

I agree just be up fornt and open to them im sure they will be a bit upset but it cant last forever. I was 18 when i fell pregnant with my daughter my family wasnt very supportive till it finally hit them that i was having a baby and now that i have her they couldnt imagine me not being a mom.
As for drinking if you suspect she is then i would stop till you test and find out just to be safe. and continue supporting her you seem to be such a nice guy and a great bf to her :D I wish you two all the best and dont forget to update us
:hug: Katrina
i hope you get the answer you want. be sure to let us know when you find out :)

as for drinking. i was a fairly heavy drinker before my test result. and now i have pretty much gone right off it. so i agree give up until you know the result.

im 19 and havent told my parents yet as im worried too. ive waited for my scan (today) until i tell people. so no excuse for me now lol.

good luck
Hiya welcome to the forum :D

I hope you get the answer you want...really breaking the news to the parents and family isnt as daunting as you think,. if they dont like it at first..they will soon get over it. just be straight about it and tell them your both happy about it :).

If your GF thinks she might be pg then its a definate no no for her to be drinking or smoking if she does....

good luck!
Thanks for the replies guys. Appreciated. I will talk to her later when I see her. Its just trying to bring it up without coming across to....ummm...I dont know the word. Thanks for the family advice also. Only time will tell.


just thought ide wish you good luck, hope everything works out
just wanted to say good luck and hope you get the awnser you want
ggod luck ryan, i hope u get the result u want!!

how cute.. u and g/f same bday.. aaawwww :lol:

btw u seem very mature the way ur approaching things!! well done babes!

good luck! :hug:
Hunni if and when bubba arrives u will have absolutley no time to go drinking so what better time to stop then now? and babies r extremely expensive, so save what u would spend, also if you think your family will judge u try to show them ur being responsible and not drinking and saving up. It is hard work being a parent but u will get alot of satisfaction out of it as long as u put alot into it. good luck and maybe we'll have a new addition soon, its very exciting. anyway hun let us no xxx

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