hey everyone


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i am on my mobile so its only a quick message. Hope everyone is ok. Missing you all loads. Well friday went well no hiccup at all till about 4 when i started to feel really ill and to cut long story short ended up with a both end stomach bug not nice and ended up at mum and dads sat night as i was so weak and couldnt look after bray but the flat is great and im feeling loads better. Any way bray is up now im hoping to get net very soon so ill talk to you all soon x x x
aw sorry to hear you got ill,
glad your feeling better now hun!

so happy everything else went smoothly and the flats good :)
hope to see you back soon! xx
Glad it went OK Sarah hope you're all better soon.
Hi hun

Glad your feeling better i have been getting your messages just keep missing eachother ! hope to chat to you soon ..
Katrina :hug:
get well soon sarah! glad all went to plan... :)
Hi hun

Sorry you are unell; hope you get better soon.

Glad the move went well.

Talk soon. :hug: :hug:
Glad the move went well, sorry you got poorly though :( Hope you are fully recovered soon! :hug:
hope your ok hun, sorry hun have only just recieved your message, hope you get reply back.

hope to catch up soon hun :hug: :hug:
Get well soon Sarah :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad to hear everything with the move went well :)
Glad the move went well hun, hope you & B are back on top form soon!! :hug:
glad you got settled in alright and hope your tummy bug has passed now

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