Hey everyone!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
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Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and finding it really informative. Ive just found out I'm pregnant, it's my first and I'm scared! We were planning for it but I'm worried about soo many things, as I'm overweight now I think something is gonna go wrong!

Anyway, hope to learn a lot more here :D

hi hun, congrats on the pregnancy :D
what sort of stuff are you worried about?
speak soon nic and bump xx
Hi Reena, :wave:

Welcome and congrats on your pregnancy!!

How far along are you??? It is so normal to be scared, I get scared every day but also very excited.

Its great here, enjoy!!
Hi Reena, :wave:

I've just found out I'm pregnant too (Wednesday night!), feeling scared and nervous too, I know just how you're feeling!

When are you due? My EDD is 31st March - Hope to see you around - you'll love this forum - its brill, very informative and loads of helpful members.

Hey..guys, well Im feeling really tired and have seriously sensitive and sore breasts! I did the test yesterday..and then another three :lol: and realised it was true..was thinking it might be weird period stuff before. Gonna go see doc tomorrow, got it checked at the chemist but still cant believe its true!

Im worried cos Im a large women and I hear stories of the complications they can have!

Thanks for a sweet welcome tho.. 8)
hi and welcome hun try not to worry im sure all will be well xxxxxx
Hi hunnie.... :wave:
Welcome to the forum....try not to worry too much - although as its been said before I think we all worry with our pregnancies.....its all perfectly normal...and we have so many hormones running riot....anyway hunnie, hope everything goes really well for you and congratulations on your pregnancy.... :dance:
Love n hugs
Hi hun :wave:

Welcome to the forum!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :dance: :cheer: :dance:

Try not to worry about if's but's and maybe's hun, I know it is very easy to worry about them, but everyones pregnancy is different and what went wrong for one preson may not go wrong for you! Try to forget all you have heard and concentrate on what's happening with you! :wink:

Wishing you a healthy & happy pregnancy! :hug: xx
Hi Chick :wave:
Welcome to the forum!!

hope you have a happy & healthy 9 months!!


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