He's driving me insane


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Sam has been an absolute nightmare today, I can honestly say I am sick of hearing him whining he's been at it non stop. I feel really bad saying that but my head is spinning I haven't been able to get on with anything and he's been really unsettled all day.

I put him in his cot 20 mins ago and I've had to go in about 3 times already because he has been screaming like mad.

I'm assuming it's his teeth that are making him so miserable he's fed well all day, not really been sick although he feels a little hot.
I've given him Calpol at 6pm but i don't think that has helped him much.

:cry: I hate days like today.

Sorry for the whinge I have found today such a struggle - I just hope he sleeps well tonight.
Didnt want to read and run. 1st of all :hug: its hard when they winge all day.

Unfortunately, mines done it all day every day since the day that he was born. So I feel for you... but id also kill for it to only be one day out of many.

You can give him more Calpol at 10pm if theres no improvement. I hope it atleast knocks him out for you, dealing with that is hard enough, never mind when you dont get any sleep either hun.
aww emma hugs, i remeber it all too well! just m,aybe give him a feed,cuddles, calpol and put him in a bouncer and get boucing till hes sleeping - works for us!

Seriously though if hes bad get him up and keep persisting teething mskes them so miserable!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I think its quite normal to feel like ths, well @ least i do. They always play up when ya wana get loads done, but when you got nothing on,....... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Did you order those teething beads to try hun? :hug:
Aww thanks girls :hug: :hug:

He has been asleep for an hour now and i'm finally starting to de stress.
I hate feeling so helpless.

I really feel for Mum's who LO's can be like this all day every day. It is rare for Sam to be so grumpy - I suppose it's just a shock to my system he's usually so smiley and happy.

Kazlin = I have ordered some Teething beads lets :pray: they work.

Sorry again for whinging :roll: (doesn't help that AF is due this week too!)
Ive had a day like yours today so I sympathise. I was in tears earlier on. Too much stress for one day!

Luke is asleep now too after a bath and yet another feed. Growth spurts are fun. NOT!!!!!
Well, Sam ended up sleeping from about 9pm ish until 5am this morning when he wanted a feed then he went straight back to sleep and has only just woken up now :D

It's really made a difference him having a good sleep!
aww bless you both, harrisons teething so he's grumpy most days and it does my head in too, you find your head pounding after a while :wall:

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