here we go again :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Sorry I haven't been on much ladies.

Well theres nothing on my pants. But I was a bit sore this morning and ended up checking a bit up there and I have very, very light yellowish/red (barely visible) discharge. It went away and then I had a poo (sorry really TMI) at about half 5, I've been a bit constipated and when I wiped back there, bright red blood, so I must have torn something. Tummy is a bit sore, the very light yellowish/red is back. I put a pad on and nothing at all on there, which I'm hoping is a good sign. The top of my leg is a bit sore. Not in agony. Just wish things would go smoothly. I haven't bothered to call the doctor. I have a scan on Thursday to see if those cysts have gone, so I'm really hoping I see something then. I'm just trying to relax. One of my friends had spotting throughout the first 12 weeks of her pregnancy. Just a horrible feeling not knowing :( Trying to stay positive, but its hard

x x x x
:hugs: honey, keep up with the positive attitude. I had spotting from wk 6 til wk 10 last pregnancy but everything was ok, i hope the same for you!
Thank you hun,
I had a similar thing 2 weeks ago, just hoping all will be ok. Yep trying hard to stay positive :)

x x x x
Aww bless you:hug: Try to stay strong sweetie, I have everything crossed for you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
awww thanks Jody :) Oh and I see you had your scan???!!! :) Congrats!!!

x x x x
Ive got everything crossed for you hun, sending you big :hugs: x x

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I think things are ok. Haven't had the best sleep. Horrible dreams about miscarrying twins! Roll on tomorrow!

x x x x
AAwww, bless you!

I have had spotting for over a week now - brown in colour...sometimes going to yellow, but mostly brown :-( Some days are better than others...but it is terrifying. Scan on Sat at 8 weeks said everything was ok, and the nurses said some bleeding is fairly common in Tri 1 and not necessarily a cause for concern.

It is good that you are getting a scan. Until then...FEET UP!! :)

Best wishes x
fingers crossed for u am sure everythink will be fine x
hope everything is ok hun. i had browny red discharge last night but have been told it can be your body getting rid of the old blood left in your body so nothing to worry about. fingers crossed x
AAwww, bless you!

I have had spotting for over a week now - brown in colour...sometimes going to yellow, but mostly brown :-( Some days are better than others...but it is terrifying. Scan on Sat at 8 weeks said everything was ok, and the nurses said some bleeding is fairly common in Tri 1 and not necessarily a cause for concern.

It is good that you are getting a scan. Until then...FEET UP!! :)

Best wishes x

Thanks Kate, I'm glad everything was ok. It is scary, just want tomorrow to come lol.

x x x x
Good luck for tomorrow hun x x

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stay postive!! dont worry love.....gud luk tomo let us know how it goes x
Good luck for today - let us know how it goes xxxx
Hi Wilma and wolf :)

Much better today,no spotting I just posted about my scan today :)

x x x x
aaarrrrggghhh Spotting has started again, at work on my own! Hate this! :(
Oh no hun hope it goes away as quickly as it came! xx

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