Heparin or enoxiparin injections


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2013
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Due to having had 2 pulmonary embolisms the midwife has said I will be referred to an obstetrician for enoxiparin injections. Has anyone else gone through this?

Tanya on Tapatalk
I'm on heparin (fragmin) injections for sticky blood and RMC, but now down to prophylactic dose rather than treatment dose. My maternity notes have a chart they follow with different conditions on for the medication.

Its a bummer doing an injection a day but MUCH better than having a clot or losing the baby (at least its the way i look at it). The injections are abit stingy and do bruise sometimes but again i see it as the lesser of 2 evils. Very safe for baby all the research I've done.

Did they find a reason for your recurrent PEs?
Yes I got a pe in my first pregnancy so was on them from 32 weeks twice a day then from 7 weeks until 6 weeks after birth with my second. The injections are nasty to be fair but its not anything to be worried about. You will go every 4 weeks to have your bloods taken and then they will let you know if you need to Change dose

mummy to two beautiful boys
yes im on clexane inj daily until baby is 6 weeks, due to past PE
Yeah they were caused by surgeries. However my dad has also had thrombosis and so it looks as though I am going to be genetically tested incase there is something underlying

Tanya on Tapatalk
I am on Heparin also for a blood clotting condition and have to inject everyday!! As Fliss said, it is a bummer but seems to be working out for me so far x
im on fragmin daily injections as well, they hurt and always have bruise's the worst is fainting but they up'ed my iron tablets again now im ok still bruise tho lol

been pregnant 5 times before but never managed to carry :( this is my 1st time on fragmin and I will take the pain and dizzyness any day as my bubba boy is still here at 28 weeks so well worth it :) xx
I also take Clexane injections daily for antiphospholipid syndrome, this is my first pregnancy with this condition as when I had my son I didn't have it... I hate the needles but if it means a healthy baby than I will survive.

I am sad that due to the bruising (I bruise up bad) there will be no skin showing belly photo's this time round :-(
I had a PE while pregnant with my eldest child, had 6 months of warfarin after being induced 2 weeks early and was told that any future pregnancies I would have to be injected with clexane daily (reacted badly to fragmin). Had healthy pregnancy with my daughter and had the daily injections which I did myself though my mum took great pleasure in doing them for me while I was feeling ill and unable to do them myself and again, was induced 2 weeks early to avoid spontanious labour, had a safe natural deliery and am NTNP to do it all over again! The daily jabs do suck and yes they are sore, but it is all worth it to be healthy and there to raise your child(ren). My top tip though, have an ice cube to hand and rub it over the jab site after you've jabbed yourself, it doesn't hurt as much! :-D

Much love x

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