Hen Night in Seville


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2008
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Hi girls,

I need some advice. A close friend of mine is getting married at the end of June and her cousin called me up yesterday to ask me to confirm about her hen night. The thing is, the hen night is in Seville city (I live in Malaga) so it means basically going away for the night with 15 Spanish girls, one of whom I know - the hen, where they will drink and party the night away. The idea of this makes me panic - I would be so bored first of all, also the smoking ban is not here in Spain so I would be surrounded by smoke all night. Its just not a scene for a pregnant girl in my opinion.

Anyway, I need to tell my friend, and its going to be awkward as the whole Seville thing is a surprise so I cant say its because its so far away. I mean, if it was near where I live, I would of course go along for a while.

Aaaaggghhh! Dunno what to do... help!
I know what you mean about the smoking. I was in Gran Canaria 4 weeks ago and it was horrible with everyone smoking around me.

If you think you would be up to it I would go. I'm accepting every invitation I get to parties as I know that in 14 weeks I'm going to have a baby to look after so no more going out easily.
I'd say to make the most of a night out as you won't get many opportunities when you've had your LO.
Do whatever you think you will be comfortable with. If you do decide to go have a FAB time :hug:
Be open and honest with your friend if you feel the scene isn't for you. You don't need to say anything about the trip as hen nights consist of going out drinking anyway regardless of the destination.. so tell her that you don't want to go out and watch people drinking, be in a smoky environment etc, but tell her right from the start...

However, as your friendship means sooo much that you would much prefer it if you and her went out for a nice meal sometime after the hen night, just the two of you (no boys allowed ;) so leave the oh at home)... that way you can gossip about the hen night with her... :D.... and you have been open and honest from the start... she should respect that. And you have still shown that you care about her by taking the first step in making up for missing her hen night... After all its not everyday a girl gets married..

Hen nights are an affirmation of friendship. If you say you are going then at the last minute say you don't want to, or just pretend that its not happening...then blame it on your pregnancy, what you do is say that your friendship isn't good enough for you to be honest with her about how you feel which will leave her wondering how honest you have been full stop... and as we know all friendships require honesty. Without that people end up hurt and thats not fair on anyone :)

Saying that it will be nice and warm so you could choose to sit outside... I went to a hen night when I was pregnant, and I really enjoyed myself despite the smoking and drinking, I got to spend time with a really good friend of mine and have a right giggle... :D

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